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Magazine Articles AboutWorld War Two

U.S. Post Office Stamps Honoring Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard (Yank Magazine, 1945)

''Cash and Carry'' (Pathfinder Magazine, 1939)

''Confessions of a Nazi Officer'' (New Masses, 1944)

''Doughboy's General'' (Reader's Digest, 1944)

''Eighth Over Berlin'' (Newsweek Magazine, 1944)

''Guadalcanal Diary'' (The American Magazine, 1943)

''Terror in Japan'' (Collier's Magazine, 1945)

''Why Hitler Thinks He'll Win'' (The American Magazine, 1942)

1943: The Year Everything Changed for the Allies (Newsweek Magazine, 1943)

1943: The Year the Japanese Had Shot Their Wad (American Legion Magazine, 1943)

1944 Army Statistcs (Yank Magazine, 1944)

1945 Victory Strategies for the Pacific Theater (Yank Magazine, 1945)

34th Division: From Kasserine, All the Way up the Boot (Yank Magazine, 1945)

A Blitzkrieg Refugee Speaks (The American Magazine, 1941)

A Pacific War Chronology (Yank Magazine, 1945)

A Pat on the Back for the GIs (Coronet Magazine, 1945)

A Pill Box in the Hürtgen Forest (Yank Magazine, 1944)

A Psychological Study of Valor (Yank Magazine, 1943)

A Writer in the Ranks (Yank Magazine, 1945)

Absolutely Walloped (PM Tabloid, 1945)

Allied Overoptimism (United States News, 1944)

America's Hemispheric Allies Declare War Before FDR (PM Tabloid, 1941)

America's Hemispheric Allies Declare War Before FDR (PM Tabloid, 1941)

Americans Answered The Call (PM Tabloid, 1942)

Amphibian Engineers (Collier's Magazine, 1943)

An Army of Juan (Yank Magazine, 1944)

Anticipating Germany's Collapse (United States News, 1944)

Army Medics on New Guinea (Yank Magazine, 1943)

Blitzkrieg (Newsweek Magazine, 1941)

Can The U.S. Stay Out of The War? (Pathfinder Magazine, 1937)

Conscientious Objectors (Yank Magazine, 1944)

Contest On Okinawa (Yank Magazine, 1945)

Destroying Germany from Above (Collier's Magazine, 1943)

Draft-Resistance In Canada (Pathfinder Magazine, 1944)

Europe Enslaved (PM Tabloid, 1942)

Front-Line Sergeants Talk Combat and Rant About Replacements (Yank Magazine, 1945)

General Douglas MacArthur ('48 Magazine)

General Hap Arnold, U.S. Air Corps (Coronet Magazine, 1946)

General Stilwell In Burma (Yank Magazine, 1944)

German Choices In 1940 (Click Magazine, 1940)

Germany's Dictated Peace Terms for the World (Omnibooks Digest, 1942)

Guadalcanal (Newsweek Magazine, 1942)

Highlights of the Lend-Lease Act (Newsweek Magazine, 1944)

Hitler's 1942 Challenges (Newsweek Magazine, 1942)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

Humor in Uniform (Yank Magazine, 1943)

Hunger in Axis Lands (United States News, 1942)

In France with the Canadian Army (Yank Magazine, 1944)

Ireland Bows Out of the War (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Killing (Coronet Magazine, 1944)

Late-War Draft Increase Announced (Yank Magazine, 1945)

Letter from France (Tricolor Magazine, 1944)

Liberty v. Fascism (Coronet Magazine, 1943)

Life on a B-17 Base in England (Collier's Magazine, 1943)

Lloyd George on the Nazi Blitzkrieg (Click Magazine, 1940)

Martha Gellhorn Over Germany (Collier's Magazine, 1945)

Mexico: American Ally (Coronet Magazine, 1943)

Mid-War Production Figures (Pathfinder Magazine, 1943)

Miracle at 20,000 Feet (Collier's Magazine, 1943)

No Combat Pay for Combat Medics (Yank Magazine, 1944)

Ol' Blood 'N Guts Goes South (Newsweek Magazine, 1945)

One Austrian's Fight Against Global Fascism (Yank Magazine, 1945)

One Journalist's Encounter with General Patton (PM Tabloid, 1945)

Optimistic Plans Regarding the Use of Cavalry (Collier's 1941 & The Alertmen, 1943)

Planning an Assault (Coronet Magazine, 1945)

Post-War Tokyo (Yank Magazine, 1945)

Racial Double Standards in the War (Yank Magazine, 1945)

Rest from Battle (Yank Magazine, 1944)

Rome Falls (Newsweek Magazine, 1944)

Sex During the Second World War (Coronet Magazine, 1955)

Shifting Men from the ETO to the Pacific (PM Tabloid, 1945)

Sniper Killer (Yank Magazine, 1944)

So, You Want to Be a Guerrilla? (Coronet Magazine, 1942)

Suffering A W.W. II Head Wound ('47 Magazine, 1947)

Tarawa (Yank Magazine, 1944)

The American Invasion of Saipan (The American Magazine, 1944)

The American Way of War (American Magazine, 1945)

The Americans Who First Crossed the Rhine (Yank Magazine, 1945)

The Aussies Pull It Together (The American Magazine, 1942)

The Australian Soldier (Yank Magazine, 1944)

The Battle for Aachen (Yank Magazine, 1944)

The Battle of Berlin (Newsweek Magazine, 1943)

The Biased Military Courts of the U.S. Army (G.I. Joe Magazine, 1945)

The Bombing of Monte Cassino (Newsweek Magazine, 1944)

The Brutality of Combat (Pathfinder Magazine, 1944)

The Coast Guard Fired the First Shot (Philadelphia Record, 1945)

The Death of General Rose (PM Tabloid, 1945)

The Death of the German Seventh Army (Yank Magazine, 1944)

The Deserters from the U.S. Army (See Magazine, 1948)

The Doughboy in the Pacific Theater (Liberty Magazine, 1945)

The Films of the U.S. Army Signal Corps (Click Magazine, 1943)

The Flight of Rudolf Hess (Newsweek, 1942 & Maptalk, 1946)

The Front-Line Mechanics (United States News, 1942)

The Germans are Idiots (PM Tabloid, 1945)

The Germans Tried to Secure a Peace (Confidential Magazine, 1958)

The GI Bill (Yank Magazine, 1944)

The Guerrilla War That Never Was (Collier's Magazine, 1945)

The Japanese Did Not Like The Germans (Collier's Magazine, 1943)

The Japanese Hated ''The Truman Show'' (Collier's Magazine, 1945)

The Japanese Planned to Fight Until the End (PM Tabloid, 1945)

The Lady was a Sniper... (Yank Magazine, 1944)

The Last 125 Days of the War (Yank Magazine, 1945)

The Man Germany Hates Most (Collier's Magazine, 1944)

The Man Who Designed American World War II Medals & Insignia
(Yank Magazine, 1945)

The Mettle of Americans (Click Magazine, 1944)

The Nazis Hated These Guys (Yank Magazine, 1944)

The Planned Invasion of Japan (Yank Magazine, 1945)

The Psychology of Fear in Combat (Yank Magazine, 1943)

The Scared Infantry (Regiment of the Century, 1945)

The Sole Surviving Son Rule and ''Saving Private Ryan'' (Yank Magazine, 1944)

The Stalin-Hitler Non-Aggression Pact (Pathfinder Magazine, 1948)

The Success of the Ploesti Raid (Collier's Magazine, 1943)

The Two World Wars Compared (PM Tabloid, 1945)

The War and Public Opinion (Newsweek Magazine, 1941)

The Well-Organized War (Liberty Magazine, 1942)

Troopship (Coronet Magazine, 1945)

Troopship (Coronet Magazine, 1945)

U.S. Army Mobile Hospitals of World War Two (Yank Magazine, 1944)

U.S. Army Casualties: 1941 - 1944 (United States News, 1944)

Verdun, 1944 (Yank Magazine, 1944)

War Stories from the Pacific (Yank Magazine, 1945)

Was Allied Air Power Decisive During World War II? (Yank Magazine, 1945)

Weeding-Out the Nuts from the Draft Pool (Collier's Magazine, 1941)

When Japan Went on the Defensive (Click Magazine, 1943)

Who are the U.S.Marines? (Click Magazine, 1943)

Who was Kilroy? (Various Sources, 1945 -7)

Why the Japanese Didn't take Prisoners (Liberty Magazine, 1942)

Will Disenchantment Follow This War, Too? (World Magazine, 1944)

With the War Came Medical Innovations (Pageant Magazine, 1945)

World War II in the Jungles of Burma (Yank Magazine, 1944)


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