World War Two - 1930s Military Buildup
"To fulfill the [Pentagon's requirements] the President plans to send Congress one more defense message asking for another $5,000,000,000. After that, with machine industries saturated with orders, Congress can sit back and survey the defense picture - provided England doesn't collapse overnight... Acting Secretary of the Navy Compton announced yesterday the award of contracts for three aircraft carriers and two cruisers to the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co...." "In October, 1933, Baron Konstantin von Neurath (1873 – 1956), Germany's Foreign Minister, sent a telegram to the Geneva Disarmament Conference announcing Germany's resignation from the Conference and the League of Nations. The resignation will become effective Sunday, October 20, two years after notice of retirement was given... In March, 1935, Chancellor Hitler announced universal military conscription for Germany, thereby making the Treaty of Versailles a 'scrap of paper'".
Italy left the League of Nations in 1937 - click here to read about it. Attached is an interesting article that announced the Nazi march into the Rhineland as well as the island of Hegoland. The journalist also listed various other Versailles Treaty violations: • "The treaty said that Germany should have no troops in the Rhineland. On March 7 of this year, they marched in. • The treaty said that Germany should never have a conscript army. On March 16 of this year, conscription was announced by Chancellor Hitler. • It said that Germany should have no military aviation. She has it. • It said that the Great German General Staff should be abolished. It was never disbanded.
*Violations of the Versailles Treaty began, in fact, a week before it was signed."
Click here to read an additional article concerning the Versailles Treaty violations. "The German Army is the greatest enterprise in the world. It has a million employees on it's payrolls, the active officers and soldiers, and, at a conservative estimate, feeds another million workers in the munitions industry. Actually the army employs all of Germany. Military needs alone determine the way of life in the besieged fortress into which 80 million Germans have more or less willingly formed themselves."
The German economist who made the rearmament possible was named Hjalmar Schacht, click here to read about him...
"When England and France yielded to Germany in the Munich Agreement of last September, a significant change took place. The balance of power in Europe shifted from the democracies to the dictatorships... [and] the United States had to stop thinking of England and France as America's 'first line of defense' in the time of a European war." During the Presidential debate of October 22 (2020) Vice President Biden remarked that the American diplomatic corps made nice with Hitler up until the German invasion of Poland - the attached article from 1939 refutes this statement:
Eight months prior to the day when W.W. II would commence, diplomatic relations between Berlin and Washington got ugly; the carefully controlled German press declared that matters between the two camps "were at their lowest point since 1917". Hitler's diplomats demanded apologies and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee clarified the American position by stating that the American people have a general dislike for Fascism. The Department of the Navy announced that it was expanding its presence in the Atlantic.
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