"Persistence has been characteristic of Mrs. Sanger. Principally because of her long campaign, 235 birth control clinics have been made lawful in the United States.... In 1913 Mrs. Sanger started a magazine called The Women Rebel which was quickly banned by postal authorities. For some time after that she faced trouble, sometimes landing in jail and sometimes being fined." A hard-charging investigative reporter from Sir! magazine exposed the morbid aspects of "the abortion racket" in this 1951 article that reported on the money-loving quack "doctors" who were responsible for killing 50,000 women each year in back-alley abortions; equally shocking was his report on the slaughter of half a million American babies throughout the country in 1954.
"The present war has fanned the abortion racket from a flame to a blaze. Now it's a nation-wide problem... Apparently every type of woman and girl, from every occupational group and every social level, was represented among women arrested or question in New York [on the matter of abortion]." "On July 1, 1970, the New York State legislature ruled that all females, regardless of marital status, age or residency, might have an abortion within the state provided she was no more than 24 weeks pregnant." Less than a year later the largest industrial-strength abortion plant in the world opened up in New York City.
A young wife gets swept up in the whirlwind of blind compliance that was the condition of her marriage. Her husband forces her onto the abortionist's gurney and she awakens an hour later with profound sorrow:
"I had degraded myself and betrayed my baby..."