A year and a half into FDR's first term, journalist William E. Berchtold caught wind of "a growing realization in Washington that most of the 'emergency' legislation will become permanent". This didn't bother him nearly as much as the fact that such imperishability also meant that the host of beta males who were positioned to maintain this behemoth would also be remaining (History has taught us that it was not FDR's alphabet agencies that became a mainstay, but those of LBJ).
The group that advised FDR on all matters involving the African-American community was popularly known as "the Black Brain Trust"...
"I have gathered my tools and my charts... I shall roll up my sleeves - make America over!"
"This was the motto to which the young folk began their work, nearly a thousand of them, which may be grouped for study purposes under the generic title, 'Junior Brain Trusters'. They were, for the most part, young men from the colleges and universities of the larger eastern cities.... Many of them came as protégés of the Senior Brain Trusters themselves, brought from the classrooms by [Guy] Tugwell, [Raymond Charles] Moley, [Felix] Frankfurter - Professor Frankfurter being especially successful in drafting students and recent graduates from the Harvard Law School." "The Black Brain Trust consists of about 25 Negro leaders who have assumed command of America's 13,000,000 Negroes in their fight for equality. They hold informal meetings to plan their strategy, whether it is to defeat a discriminatory bill in Congress or to overcome a prejudice against a private [in the army]. Few white men know it, but they have already opened a second front in America - a front to the liberation of the dark races."
More on this topic can be read on this website...
"The Brain Trust has devised a number of schemes for getting money away from the fellows who accumulated it during the Golden Age of Coolidge, and some of those schemes are working..." "The Brain Trust's very lack of practical experience was its chief asset. Unhampered by tradition and fairly drunk with the opportunity of translating college dreams into realities, they leapt to the battle, careless of obstacles and without fear of frustration." | |