Soviet History - Purges and Show Trials

"Throughout Russia last week Dictator Joseph Stalin continued his 'purge' against 'Trotskyites'."
"In this natural aftermath of the execution a fortnight ago of 16 conspirators against the Soviet regime, no Trotskyite was spared. Nor was anyone suspected of Trotsky leanings overlooked. Journalists, officials, high-ranking Red Army officers, heads of banks, railroads, publishing houses, and many celebrities in literary and theatrical pursuits felt the heavy hand of the Kremlin government." "Of the 17 defendants in the Russian 'circus trial', four were still alive in Moscow last week. Thirteen others, convicted of having acted on the instigation of exile Leon Trotsky to sabotage Soviet railways, mines and factories, were taken to a cellar of Moscow's Lubianka Prison, where they were yanked into cells to have have their brains blown out by pointblank pistol shots."
- from Amazon:
Stalin's bloody purges had their own Hollywood propaganda film: Mission to Moscow (Warner Brothers, 1943)
In response to Stalin's Moscow "show trial" convicting Leon Trotsky of anti-revolutionary sedition - a second kangaroo court was convened in Mexico in which Trotsky and his fellow travelers offered a public defense on behalf of the accused. FDR's second ambassador to Moscow, Joseph E. Davies (1876 - 1958), wrote this stunning article in which he makes clear that he was all in favor of Stalin's purges and believed that the trials "indicated the amazing far-sightedness of Stalin and his close associates". He believed every one of the trumped-up charges and swallowed them hook, line and sinker. He concluded the article by advising other "liberty loving nations" to follow Stalin's example. "Congratulations were in order in Soviet Russia last week. The occasion was the 20th anniversary of the famed N.K.V.D., secret police, and celebration of that organization's success in 'rooting out the enemies of the people'"
"The party purge had been widened to include the Soviet Secret Police itself, with 50 of its number being arrested." | MORE ARTICLES >>> PAGE: * 1 * 2 * |