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"A list of the U.S. firms involved reads like a blue book of American industry. It makes no difference whether these firms like Hitler or not, whether they favor Nazi methods or not. The Germans have their plants and their money. They use both as they please."

"What you may not know is that last year we sold Japan more goods than any other country except Britain, Canada and France, and we bought more goods from her than than from any country of the world except Canada. The plain fact is that the United States today is the foundation stone of totalitarian Japan's economy."

This explains why the people who visit the Chiang Kai-Schek memorial in Taipei come away believing that the only involvement that the United States played throughout W.W. II was the selling of gas to Imperial Japan...

Boeing was complicit with the Axis...


How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

How the US Helped the Fascists Before Entering the War (Coronet Magazine, 1941)

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