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"Fighters, spearheading the formations and shielding them from the sides, above and below, lashed at the Luftwaffe's interceptors as they rose to attack and cut through the fighter screen into the heart of some of the formations. When the last wave of bombers turned westward from the smoking targets and flew 600 miles to their English bases, they left 38 heavies behind, shot down by fighters and ack-ack... But the Luftwaffe was hurt nearly as badly as before: it lost 125 fighters."

More about the strategic bombing campaigns of WW II can be read here.

Click here to read about the efforts of The Mighty Eighth on D-Day.

Click here to read about the training of the bomber aerial gunners.

- from Amazon:


''Eighth Over Berlin'' (Newsweek Magazine, 1944)

''Eighth Over Berlin'' (Newsweek Magazine, 1944)

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