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World War Two

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Washington-DC Home Front

Who are the U.S.Marines? (Click Magazine, 1943)

A nice piece of P.R. for the W.W. II Gyrenes:

"Since the policy limits Marine Corps personel to 20 percent of the navy, no Marine can specialize as do other service men. He must be a crack rifle and pistol shot, a saboteur, a scout familiar with jungle and city alike. He must run, walk, swim, sail, shoot, and maim better than the men he's fighting... He glories in this responsibility, as in his corp's 167-year-old reputation as nonpareil shock troops. He's never yeilded either that responsibility or reputation to his jealous friends in rough-and-ready Army and Navy units. They resent the Marine. He knows it and doesn't give a damn, cocky in the knowledge that he's relied on to pave the way for the Army's operations and to finish up the Navy's."

This is a six page photo-essay that is comprised of seventeen images (two in color) of the San Diego Marines, who are identified as the "dirtiest" and "cockiest" fighters in the nation's arsenal.

Click here to read another article about the Marines.


Who was Kilroy? (Various Sources, 1945 -7)

The three articles attached herein serve as good examples that illustrate the wide-spread curiosity found in most quarters of the United States as to who was this G.I. who kept writing Kilroy was Here on so many walls, both foreign and domestic, during the past three and a half years of war? It was not simply the returning veterans who felt a need to know, but the folks who had toiled on the home front as well.

Is your name Anderson?


Lloyd George on the Nazi Blitzkrieg (Click Magazine, 1940)

In this article, former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George (1863 – 1945) lambasts the leaders of Britain and France for blundering their way into the Second World War having failed to cut Hitler off at the knees on any number of previous occasions:

"It is just over twenty-one years ago that France and Britain signed the Armistice with Germany which brought to an end the bloodiest war in history. They are now fighting essentially the same struggle... It is no use keeping up the pretense that things are going well for the democratic cause. We are suffering not from one blunder, but from a series of incredible botcheries. It is a deplorable tale of incompetence and stupidity."

Lloyd George singled-out Chamberlain with particular contempt, while presenting his thoughts about Hitler and Mussolini, the German Blitzkrieg and Soviet neutrality


Killing (Coronet Magazine, 1944)

A World War Two article by a young Polish guerrilla who graphically explains what it is like to kill a man, an experience he abhors:

"...then all at once he gave a shiver and relaxed, I released my grip and he fell to the ground."


General Hap Arnold, U.S. Air Corps (Coronet Magazine, 1946)

"The famous smile which has won General Arnold the nickname of "Happy" is a pleasant front for a shrewd and grimly purposeful character. His real nature shows in his determined stride, his set jaw. He's a fighter. He's been fighting for our safety for almost forty years."

FYI: Orville Wright taught him to fly.


The Deserters from the U.S. Army (See Magazine, 1948)

Illustrated with seven photographs, article was written some three years after the close of the war and reported on the efforts of the Allied Armies and local police authorities globally to track-down some 10,000 deserters from the U.S. Army. In the mid-fifties the Department of the Army had estimated that the total number of deserters from all branches of the American military added up to 21,000, but in 1948 the army was happy just to find these 10,000 men: the numeric equivalent of an entire division.

The article is composed of short, choppy paragraphs that present for the reader some of the more interesting stories of World War II desertion. A good read.


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