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World War Two

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A Pat on the Back for the GIs (Coronet Magazine, 1945)

"So they've given up."

"They're finally done in, and the rat is dead in an alley back of the the Wilhelmstrasse."

"Take a Bow, GI - take a bow, little guy."

"Far-flung ordinary men, unspectacular but free, rousing out of their habits and their homes - got up early one morning, flexed their muscles, learned the manual of arms (as amateurs) and set out across perilous oceans to whop the bejeepers out of the professionals."

"And they did."


Shifting Men from the ETO to the Pacific (PM Tabloid, 1945)

This article appeared two days before the German capitulation; the Allies were in Berlin, Hitler was dead and the Pentagon was planning to send some men home while shipping a million off to fight the Japanese.


The GI Bill (Yank Magazine, 1944)

This tiny notice reported that the G.I. Bill of Rights was passed Congress, was now enacted into law. A list of all the original (1944) veteran's benefits are listed for a quick read.The readers of YANK were the intended beneficiaries of this legislation and it seems terribly ironic that this news item was granted such a minute space in the magazine.

No matter how you slice it, few acts of Congress have left such a beneficial mark across the American landscape as this one.


The Success of the Ploesti Raid (Collier's Magazine, 1943)

Here is an article from 1943, the year everything changed for the Axis. The article explains all that was involved with the stout-hearted raid on the Ploesti oil fields in Rumania. 177 American bombers were sent to do the job.

"From Ploesti, the Nazis extracted oil and oil products which maintained the entire German and Italian fleets, and third of the whole German air force in Russia. Around the Ploesti installations, the Germans had raised a forest of antiaircraft guns of large and small calibers. They had built blast walls around plants' vital parts and spotted airdromes from which fighters could rise to intercept our bombers."


Life on a B-17 Base in England (Collier's Magazine, 1943)

This is an amazing article that recalls the open-all-night cities that were the B-17 bases in Britain during World War Two. Such were the lives of the ground crews, who worked all night and then found sleep impossible - preferring to stay-up and stare at the skies in anticipation for their returning bombers.

"A crew chief stumbles past you on his way to the hangar. He's been going seventy-two hours without taking his shoes off; his face is unshaven, and his eyes look like holes burned in a blanket."


Martha Gellhorn Over Germany (Collier's Magazine, 1945)

An article by the W.W. II war correspondent Martha Gellhorn (1908 - 1998) who rode with the crew of a P-61C Black Widow Night Fighter one evening as they made their rounds over what remained of Hitler's Germany:

"Collier's girl correspondent sat on a wobbly crate and flew over Germany looking for enemy planes at night. Her nose ran, her oxygen mask slipped off, her stomach got mad, she was scared and she froze. They didn't down any Germans, but otherwise that's routine for the Black Widow pilots."

Click here to read additional articles about the war correspondents of the Second World War.

Click here to read Martha Gellhorn's article about what she saw at Dachau.

Click here to read about the 1943 bombing campaign against Germany.


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