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World War Two Films

"I'll Be Home For Christmas" (Hollywood Master Chorale)

This classic WWII vintage Christmas song as performed by the Hollywood Master Chorale under the direction of Glenn Carlos. This live performance was illustrated on a screen behind the chorus in sync by the video seen here. Video produced and edited by Harry Arends

A Scene from the Movie FURY (2014)

Ranger Training Footage

Herman Goering's Last Secret : Revealed 2011

A defiant anti-Nazi, Albert Göring spent the war years busting the persecuted out of concentration camps, smuggling them across borders and funnelling aid to refugees throughout Europe. He did everything to undermine his brother's regime. But by 1944 the Gestapo were hunting him down like a dog. Did Hermann step in and save his brother?

Enter William, a twentysomething from Sydney, Australia, who stumbles upon the tattered pieces of Albert's history. Shelving plans for a Ph.D., William sets off on a three year odyssey across eight countries and three continents to piece together the puzzling life of Albert Göring.

Herman Goering: Ambition without Conscience

•After Malmedy, the U.S. Army Began to Execute German Prisoners•

Why America Dropped the Bomb

German American Bund

Japan's War in Colour

Using rare and, in some cases, never before seen color footage, this documentary examines World War II from the perspective of the Japanese. The film also utilizes original letters and diary entries written by Japanese soldiers and civilians during the war. Japan's War in Color looks to present both the innocent and the guilty parties involved in what was culturally touted as a Holy War, and examine the effect it had on all of their lives.

1945 Berlin


Documentary on the Decisive World War 2 Battle Of Midway .

Martha Gellhorn: War Correspondent

In this clip British journalist John Pilger interviews Martha Gellhorn, the American novelist, travel writer and journalist considered to be one of the greatest war correspondents of the 20th century.

Bill Mauldin of the Stars & Stripes

W.W. II cartoonist Bill Maulden is the subject of this quick clip from the T.V. show "Mail Call". It is narrated by former Marine D.I. Lew Ermy.

VJ Day In New York City: The End of WW2

Real colour footage of the celebrations at the end of World War Two, starting with VJ day in New York and then VE day in Britain and across europe. I thought these images were amazing, as we usually only get to see this period of history in black and white.


After receiving critical acclaim at the Toronto International Film Festival and an unprecedented theatrical release in Israel, American director Gaylen Ross "Killing Kasztner: The Jew Who Dealt With Nazis" now poses the question to U.S. audiences: Was Rezso Kasztner a heroic rescuer of Jews or a villain colluding with the Nazis? Through accounts of the inflammatory political trial, startling revelations after 50 years by Kasztners assassin, Zeev Eckstein, and a chilling meeting between the killer and Kasztners daughter, Zsuzsi, audiences finally can decide the legacy of this forgotten man.

WW II P-47 Color Film Footage

The League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel)

his great five-volume series, by Guido Knopp, examines the naivete of German youths in the 1930's and 1940's. This is the only documentary I have seen that focuses on the way the Nazis used children to conduct their war. In this second volume of the series, we are given a glimpse into how the Nazis were able to simultaneously discount women as mere baby factories and employ their youth and energy to the benefit of the Reich. The League of German Girls was formed to ensure that young ladies understood, and performed, their duties as bearers of Aryan heirs. Later, these young women were also enlisted to assist directly in the fighting of the war.

1945: Goering's First Day as a War Criminal

The tall, thin American officer filmed walking beside Goering was Major Paul Kubala. As the officer in charge of the Augsburg interrogation facility, Major Kubala was Goering's interpreter and primary interrogator. Thanks to Lady Josette Kubala Walton, for the following precious informations about her parents and their important historical role:

" "My father obtained a map from Goering with the location of all of the hidden land mines surrounding Heidelberg... once all of the map was constructed (verbally), my father immediately went to Heidelberg and advised the city leaders so that the farmers would not go out in the spring to start planting....The History Channel produced an anniversary film of WWII and at the very end you will see my father with Goering at the now famous press conference where reporters later made an issue that Goering was being treated with special consideration... the truth was that my father was using psychology to make Goering feel that he was still important... it worked and he talked and talked and talked. From those "talks" he divulged the location of the salt mines where his stolen treasures were hidden... and many, many other important issues."

W.W. II German Paratroopers Fighting the Americans in France

W.W. II German Newsreel footage depicting the combat that took place in Normandy one month after the D-Day landings.

1953 Newsreel Footage of Hermann Goering's Car

Various shots of the Mercedes car that once belonged to Hermann Goering being driven along a country road. It goes into the drive of 'New Lodge' and parks beside a row of cars there (Bentley, Rolls and others). Owner Raymond Way comes out of the house and comes over to the car. Commentator tells us that the car has been exhibited up and down the country to raise money for the dependants of soldiers, sailors and airmen (the SSAFA - Soldiers' Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association). Way and the driver inspect the car, looking under the bonnet, examining the bullet-spattered windscreen and windows, opening a door to show the armour plating on the bottom of the car and looking in the spacious boot. C/Us showing features of the car. Pan across the row of cars, including Winston Churchill's Daimler and the Duke of Windsor's Buick.

1944 R.A.F. Night Bombing Mission

Color footage from W.W. II of the R.A.F. night-bombing operations over Nazi Germany.

World War Two's First 1,000 Bomber Raid

May 1942: The first thousand-bomber raid, the target was Cologne, Germany. 1,047 Allied aircraft were dispatched, this number being made up as follows: 1 Group - 156 Wellingtons 3 Group - 134 Wellingtons, 88 Stirlings = 222 aircraft 4 Group - 131 Halifaxes, 9 Wellingtons, 7 Whitleys = 147 aircraft 5 Group - 73 Lancasters, 46 Manchesters, 34 Hampdens = 153 aircraft 91 (O. T. U.) Group - 236 Wellingtons, 21 Whitleys = 257 aircraft 92 (O. T. U.) Group - 63 Wellingtons, 45 Hampdens = 108 aircraft Flying Training Command - 4 Wellingtons Aircraft totals: 602 Wellingtons, 131 Halifaxes, 88 Stirlings, 79 Hampdens, 73 Lancasters, 46 Manchesters, 28 Whitleys = 1,047 aircraft

Recently Discovered Color Footage of Hermann Goering's Estate

Germany, late 1930ies. Recently surfaced 16 mm color amateur footage filmed in Karinhalle, Hermann Goering's legendary mansion 80 Km from Berlin. All the Goering's private films were considered allegedly destroyed when he ordered the SS to blow out the entire estate with high explosive (because of the upcoming Russians), on April 20, 1945, before his departure to Berlin for the Fuhrer's last birthday party. He understood that he would never be returning to Karinhalle.
These fragments are probably the only remaining elements of color footage from Goering's private films collection.

1943 The Bombing of Hamburg

Uncensored silent color footage of the fires and the aftermath of the saturation incendiary night bombing runs that destroyed Hamburg on 07-28-1943, causing the death of over 50.000 mostly unidentified civilians and more than a million homeless. Original montage. Calling "fair use" for the soundtrack, added in 2007 by ROMANO-ARCHIVES, performed by Gregor Samsa.

Apocalyps in Berlin 1945

Interviews with a former Soviet infantry officer and a German civilian recall the horrors of the 1945 collapse of Berlin.

WW II : Color Footage of D-Day & the Breakout from Normandy

1945: Japanese Girls Dating US Soldiers

September 1945, Wake Island: Color footage of US servicemen violating military laws by dating Japanese girls.

Japanese Sign Final Surrender in Tokyo Bay

News reel of the surrender ceremony on board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945. Background music is "With Honour Crowned".

Okinawa, april 1945 WWII

A segment from a History Channel documentary about the last battle of World War II: the Battle of Okinawa. Beautiful color.

TOP 10:Combat Rifles - M1 Garand

Segregated Warriors: The African American Experience in WWII

Lord Bootsy Jenkins III wrote: The is my first documentary from film school. I interviewed a very cool dude and his Army buddies. They were Veterans from WWII who were actually involved in the D-Day invasion. They served their country all while being discriminated by the very same entity. Look, Listen and Learn!

A Distant Shore: African Americans of D-day

This 2008 Emmy nominated documentary pays tribute to the valor and sacrifice of African-American soldiers while shedding light on the discrimination and disregard that at times proved more threatening than the rigors of battle.

American Army Women Serving on All Fronts

CREATED BY Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Overseas Operations Branch. New York Office. News and Features Bureau. :

WAC mechanics service airplanes in Arizona. Part 2, the Boeing aircraft plant in Seattle celebrates the completion of its 5,000th Flying Fortress. Part 3, shows poses of military cameramen who will cover the invasion of Europe. Part 4, shows Air Force heroes in Washington, D.C., and one at his home in Piqua, Ohio. Part 5, allied planes bomb Italy. British troops advance toward Cassino and Americans toward Anzio. Shows German prisoners of war and aid to Italian citizens.


Katharine Hepburn narrates this look at the many jobs performed by American women during wWII. The narrative was written by Eleanor Roosevelt. Matinee at the Bijou is coming soon to PBS in HD hosted by Debbie Reynolds

The USS Yorktown: "The Fighting Lady"

The Fighting Lady (1944) is an Academy Award winning documentary/propaganda film produced by the U.S. Navy. The plot of the film revolves around the life of seamen on board an anonymous aircraft carrier - "the Fighting Lady". Frequently mentioned is the old adage that war is 99% waiting. The film is notable for its use of Technicolor footage shot by "gun cameras" hoisted directly on naval artillery during combat. This gives a very realistic edge to the film, while the chronological following of the ship and crew mirror the experiences of the seamen who went from green recruits through the rigors of military life, battle, and, for some, death.

Jack Buchanan Sings the 'Stage Door Canteen' Theme Song...

A clip from the 1943 star-studded Hollywood W.W. II movie "Stage Door Canteen".

1944 Britain - GIs and British Girls

Rare color footage of American W.W II GIs enjoying the company of British girls on the eve of D-Day, 1944. One cannot help but wonder how many of the Yanks ever saw home again.

Kamikaze Attacks in Color

World War Two color film footage of Japanese Kamikaze attacks.

Normandy invasion (1944): D-Day German footage

Combat footage. Die Deutsche Wochenschau. 6th June 1944, Normandy invasion from German perspective. As late as 13:35 the German 352nd division was reporting that the assault had been hurled back into the sea. From their vantage point at Pointe de la Percée overlooking the whole of the beach from the western end the German perception was that the assault had been stopped at the beach. An officer there noted that troops were seeking cover behind obstacles and counted ten tanks burning. However, as early as 07:35 the third battalion 726th Grenadier Regiment, defending Draw F-1 on Fox Green beach, was reporting that 100--200 American troops had penetrated its front, with enemy inside the wire at WN-62 and WN-61 under attack from the rear.

Hermann Goering

Color footage from a contemporary TV documentary concerning Hermann Goering: his ego, his accomplishments, his failings, his alliances, his excesses and his downfall.

East L.A. Marine: Guy Gabaldon

Guy Gabaldon died on August 31, 2006 and the world lost someone very special. During the bloody struggle for Saipan in July 1944, U.S. Marine PFC Guy Gabaldon is officially credited with capturing over 1500 Japanese soldiers and civilians - single-handedly, a record that is untouchable in the annals of American military history. For over sixty years, Guy talked about his exploits on that island, sharing his experience and using his celebrity to inspire new generations who valued bravery and bravado. However, war experience alone does not make a life, and Guy’s didn’t stop in 1944. He lived many different lives and most importantly he took it upon himself to help the less fortunate, particularly the wayward teenagers he encountered when he returned to the Mariana Islands in 1980, where he would live for twenty years.

VJ Day, San Francisco's Market Street 1945

The filming of the spontaneous celebration that broke-out on San Francisco's Market Street the day that Japan surrendered, in August of 1945.

Japanese Surrender 1945

Footage of the Japanese people and officials dealing with their national pain and humiliation.

V-J Day Film Clip

Newscast celebrating the end of the war.

Battlefield Detectives: The 2nd Ranger Battalion on D-Day

A small clip from the History Channel's production, "Battlefield Detective" which tells the tale of the 2nd Ranger Battalion and their training for D-Day.

Joyful Berlin Crowds Greet Triumphal Wehrmacht Troops

German wartime newsreel footage (Die Deutsche Wochenschau Jul 1940) depicted overjoyed Berliners as victorious Wehrmacht units returned from France.

Color Fim Footage of Nazi Forces

Remarkably clear color footage of Nazi soldiers fighting along the Eastern Front; Nazi scientists at their rocket facilities, Third Reich thugs parading in the streets of German cities; the clip ends in a North African grave yard.


A color documentary concerning the 1945 battle of Iwo Jima and the flag raising on Mount Suribachi.

Indian Army in World War II

A T.V. news clip which remembers the Indian Army's contributions during the Italian campaign of W.W. II.

VJ Day in Australia

A special edition of 'Seven Nightly News' from the studios of ATN7 in Sydney, announcing the surrender of the Japanese to the Allied forces and thus signalling the end of the Second World War and presented by Ross Symonds (who bears an uncanny resemblance in appearance, voice and career path (not to mention, name) of another Ross Symonds, who would join the ATN7 news team some years later).

The news bulletin was preserved for posterity and was only put to air 50 years to the day later, during Channel Seven's telecast of Victory in the Pacific (or 'VP Day') remembrance services held in Sydney and Brisbane.

Execution of German General Anton Dostler

Even before the war ended the first Allied war trial found German General Anton Dostler guilty of war crimes. He was sentenced to death by firing squad. This remarkable footage shows General Dostler's last minutes on December 1st, 1945.

Mein Kampf

A ten minute clip that tells the story of post-war Germany and the rise of Adolf Hitler.

The American Tank-Mounted T34 Rocket Launcher

The T34 Rocket Launcher T34 (Calliope) was a tank-mounted rocket launcher used by the United States Army during the Second World War. The launcher was mounted atop the Medium Tank M4 and fired a barrage of 4.6 inch rockets from 60 launch tubes. It was developed in 1943, small numbers were produced and were used by various US armor units in 1944-45.

An O.S.S. Training Film

This introduction of 'The Fairbairn Fighting System' at Camp X in conjunction with input from many highly skilled Instructors with various backgrounds and fighting skills would be the beginning of the evolution of "DEFENDO". As Close Quarter Battle or Unarmed Combat training progressed throughout this period, it was added to and refined utilizing western fighting principals, eventually becoming referred to in slang as "DEFENDO" by Allied soldiers.

Hitler Youth Interviewed

Some Nazi newsreel footage from the closing weeks of the war in which fanatical Hitler Youth members talk about the roll they played in the destruction of several enemy tanks.

1945: War in the Pacific

An American newsreel reports on the the late war operations in the Pacific Threater: Battle of Okinawa, Assault on Kiyishew, U.S.S. Franklin under siege.

American Glider Pilots of WW II

Movie trailer for the upcoming film on DVD "Silent Wings." Glider pilots and all major World War II glider operations such as Overlord, Market Garden and Varsity. Development of glider warefare by Nazi Germany's Army and Air Force. Narrated by Hal Holbrook. Interviews with Walter Cronkite, Andy Rooney and others. They said the "G" on the wings stood not for "gliders" but for "guts." Directed by Rob Child. Narrated by Hal Holbrook.

Bastoigne Reenactment

At this Battle of the Bulge Reenactment: "Footage taken inside a German Sdkfz behind a German twin MG42 of the 10th SS. As US M3 Half Track advances, MG jams and US sniper fires point blank then BMG30 unloads on the German infantry support".

Kamikaze Attacks in Color

These attacks, beginning in 1944, followed several very significant-critical military and strategic defeats for Japan, its decreasing capacity to wage war along with loss of experienced pilots, and the Allies' increased ability, due largely to the industrial capacity of the United States and Japan's reluctance to surrender. In these attacks Japanese pilots would deliberately attempt to crash their aircraft into naval vessels and other ships.

Chilling Color Footage of Nazi Germany

Assorted street scenes of Germany in the thirties mixed with clips of the common folk attending parades, the Nazis hierarchy can be seen in full regalia and the film ends with bucolic images of a derndeled Eva Braun picking flowers.

Color Footage of the Afrika Korps

German color propaganda film from 1941 (excerpt) about the Afrika Korps attack on a British ammunitions dump in the desert near Tobruk.

Waffen SS -Hitler Jugend at Normandy D-day

A clip which tells part of the story of the Hitler Youth presence at Normandy during the D-Day invasion.

The Enola Gay Navigator Remebers the Mission

"Enola Gay" navigator, Dutch Van Kirk, describes the planning and execution of the A-bomb raid on Hiroshima, and the fate of the crew of the Enola Gay after the war.


Spencer Tracy narrates a documentary history of the American soldier. Written by Garson Kanin and shown in theaters as a recruitment tool. Hollywood style doc was financed by the Office of Emergency Management.

The German Mauser Rifle

A segment from a documentary concerning the top ten infantry weapons of the world. In this clip, the Mauser K98 rifle was ranked number six; it was said to be Hitler's favorite gun. The weapon saw heavy use during W.W. I and as this documentary makes clear, modifications were made for the second installment of that war.

Color Footage of Japanese Infantry

Clip shows the landing from the sea and a Japanese unit advancing under heavy fire. A soldier could be seen cutting the barb wire fence before the rest charged into the gap. Also seen are tanks along the Singapore Padang with City Hall at the background and the reception given to General Yamashita by the surrendering British and Indian troops. The music is a Japanese Naval march called the "March of the Warships" (軍艦行進曲)or the "Gunkan March". It was composed in 1897 by naval troop band leader Tokichi Setoguchi, the words were written by Hiraku Toriyama. It was used as the march of the Imperial Japanese Navy, and after WW II re-adopted as the march of the Maritime Self Defense Forces of Japan.

Valkyrie Trailer - Starring Tom Cruise as Von Staufenberg

The theatrical trailer for the 2008 movie starring Tom Cruise, Kennith Branaugh, Bill Nighy and directed by Bryan Singer.

The Chilling D-Day Scene from Saving Private Ryan

Detroit News: Hitler's Wall Broken as Allies Move Inland SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, (AP) -- Allied Expeditionary Force, June 6 Allied troops landed on the Normandy coast of France in tremendous strength by cloudy daylight today and stormed several miles inland with tanks and infantry in the grand assault which Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower called a crusade in which "we will accept nothing less than full victory."

Color Footage of Mushroom Clouds

This footage is from the movie "Trinity and Beyond", directed by Peter Kuran. Operation Dominic I was a series nuclear test explosions conducted in 1962 and 1963 by the United States in the Pacific. This one was dropped from a B-52 bomber aircraft on the Christmas Island. Exact Date (1962-1963) and Yield unknown (a few megatons).

Jimmy Stewart: Bomber Pilot

In 1940, actor Jimmy Stewart was drafted into the Army Air Corps but was rejected due to a weight problem. The USAAC had strict height and weight requirements for new recruits and Stewart was five pounds under the standard. To get up to 148 pounds he sought out the help of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's muscle man, Don Loomis, who was legendary for his ability to add or subtract pounds in his studio gymnasium. Stewart subsequently attempted to enlist in the United States Army Air Corps but still came in under the weight requirement although he persuaded the AAF enlistment officer to run new tests, this time passing the weigh-in,with the result that Stewart successfully enlisted in the Army in March 1941. He became the first major American movie star to wear a military uniform in World War II. During the course of the war, he flew over twenty missions in a B-24 Liberator, he was a two-time recipient of the Air Medal and was awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French Army. In the fullness of time, he attained the rank of General in the reserves. It's a wonderful life.

The Campaign in Tunisia

Footage of the British and American forces sailing to Tunisia to fight the Afrika Korps. Rommel's supply lines were extended to central Libya, while Montgomery's were short. With one of the greatest contributions by Enigma decrypts, Rommel's convoys were constantly sunk. With little supplies, sagging Italian moral, a 2:1 numerical inferiority, and now facing an inspiring leader, Army Africa was doomed to defeat.

The Brazilian Army in Italy

The state of neutrality kept by Brazil since the beginning of WWII was disrupted by Nazi Germany when U-Boats sank Brazilian merchant ships, killing over 1,000 civilians. In August 9th 1943, the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (BEF) was created and Division General João Baptista Mascarenhas de Moraes assigned as its Chief Commander. Organized in a similar manner as the American Army, BEF was composed of 1st Expeditionary Infantry Division (or 1st DIE) among other non-division units and sent to Italy.

Happy Newsreel Footage of VJ Day

You can't but smile as you watch this assortment of clips depicting the improvised VJ Day celebrations filmed in various American cities on the last day of World War Two. As I watch this newsreel,I couldn't help but remember what I heard a veteran once say about that day:

"The end of the war meant that we would be allowed to grow old."

1945: The Last German Newsreel

-East Preussen evacuation by sea. -Onslaught of the Red Army. These are the last minutes from the final newsreel 22, March 1945

German Newsreel Footage of the Africa Korps in Color

German wartime newsreel filmed in living color...Includes footage of the explosion of the HMS Auckland..

Bombing Berlin, 1944

"We accompany one of the 2,000 American plane formations that are bringing ruin and panic to Berlin. Miles of vapor-streaks are trailing after the huge Flying Fortresses, winging through the frigid sky. Crews are 'on oxygen.' Then Berlin is sighted and the bombs start cascading downward. The scene below is like a field of mushrooms. Flak comes up, and one of our motors goes dead. We head back to Blighty. Some shops drop flares announcing wounded aboard, and instant medical care is waiting, when the ships roll to a stop. Colonel Mumford interviews some of the other participants in the raid. They give their crisp, spicy version of this one, and ask for return assignments."

The Last Days of Heinrich Himmler

HEINRICH HIMMLER, 1900-1945), German Nazi leader, who was head of the dreaded SS (Schutzstaffel, also called the Blackshirts). Although pedantic, dogmatic and dull, Himmler emerged under Hitler as a respected player in the Nazi power game. His strength lay in a combination of unusual shrewdness, burning ambition, and servile loyalty to Hitler.

Remembering A German P.O.W. Camp

An American Veteran recalls his captivity in Germany during the Seconf World War.

After being shot down in his B-17, co-pilot Rogers is taken as a P.O.W. and relates what he and his fellow American prisoners did in the camp to irritate the German guards. As he puts it, "we'd do anything to upset them." Rogers gives us an inside look at what life was like in a German Stalag. He recalls with a small hint of nostalgia about the plays they used to perform for each other or the little band they formed when the Swiss Red Cross sent them musical instruments. His story is about how the American spirit remained un-broken, even in trying times.

The 1944 Liberation of France

"Independence Day in Europe - In France, General Eisenhower observes General Bradley fire a giant howitzer which signals our massed artillery into a massed crescendo of fire. Behind the lines, the French string 'Welcome' signs all over, improvise American flags, and a choral group of French children sing 'America.' They love our mow-oon-tains. Canadians Advance - After a well earned rest, following the landing battles in Normandy, the Canadians return to the thick of the fighting at Cariquet. So severe is the fighting that some of the Canadian camera crew were killed while filming these shots. In their sector, the Yanks are blazing through the hedge rows with grenade guns. In Rome - Old Glory is raised at the Piazza Venezia, near the Victor Emanuel Memorial, scene of Nazi retreats."

Veterans Recall the 1945 Battle of Okinawa

A segment of a larger documentary made up of color footage and reenactment footage, combined with the knowing American veterans reminiscing on the topic of "the Devil's own cesspool": Okinawa, Japan.

Contemporary Color Footage of a German Tiger Tank



This World War Two film clip consists of both Japanese and American archival footage.


Produced by the Encyclopedia Britannica, this film clip explains that a new era in warfare was ushered in with the Hiroshima attack of 1945.

Fat Man Over Nagasaki

Color footage of the August 9, 1945 atomic blast over Nagasaki, Japan.

An Interview With Paul Tibbets of the Enola Gay

A newsreel interview with Colonel Paul Tibbets, Major Tom Ferebee, Captain Theodore Van Kirk and General Thomas Farrell -the first three officers were on board the "Enola Gay" during the Hiroshima bombing. It can be assumed that General Farrell was the Tibbets commanding officer.

Hitler's Home Movies

Home movies filmed in color at Berchtesgaden, Hitler's mountain retreat. All the assorted jack asses were in attendance.

The Typewriter Heard Around the World

This is Brennan Willard's 2006 Documentary about World War II war correspondent Ernie Pyle. The Documentary won 2nd place at Maryland History Day and progressed to National Competition where it ranked in top 15 nationally. The documentary received the "Best Junior Entry Award from the State of Maryland" award.

1945 Newsreels

Six assorted news reels produced during the closing months of the war.

WW II Victory Newsreels

Six assorted American newsreels which were all made during 1945 and reported on the continuing struggle or the excitement of the Allied victory. You will see the bombed-out remains of Nazi Germany; General Eisenhower's salute to J.I. Joe; Ira Hayes and the other Surabachi flag-raisers on tour in Washington. Yo will also see a film clip of the crippled hospital ship, "U.S.S. Comfort", following it's devastating attack by kamikaze aircraft. The last clip is an address by New York Mayor La Guardia speaking on the matter of the current crop of immigrants and the roll they were expected to play during "I am an American Day".

The Nazi Occupation of Paris

A 1940 German newsreel depicting the Nazi victory parade down the Champs-Elysées, the awarding of medals under the Arc De Triomphe, and a patronizing salute before the eternal flame that memorializes the fallen soldiers of France.

The Canadian Army in France

Wartime Canadian Army Newsreel footage depicting the D-Day preparations, assault and Johnny Cannuck's march on Paris.

The M 26 Pershing Tank

Contemporary footage of a vintage 1945 M 26 Pershing tank as it backs out from it's garage at the Royal Army Museum, Brussels.

Color Footage of the Nazi Rocket Facilities

Captured color WW II footage of German Scientist Werner Von Braun and his rocket engine experiments such as the V-2.

Color Footage of the Carrier War

Truly remarkable color film footage depicting the life (and death)on board a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier during World War II. Authentic color combat footage is included.

The Development of WW II Aircraft Carriers

A segment from a documentary concerning the disregarded international naval aviation negotiations of the 1930s and the development of Twentieth Century aircraft carrier.

Also featured is the part played by Carriers during the earlier parts of the war; from Pearl Harbor to the Dolittle Raid of 1942.

Aircraft Carrier Crash Landings

Various clips of airplane crash landings filmed from the decks of assorted US aircraft carriers throughout the bloody course of WW II.

M1 Garand Rifle

Various graphic clips from "Band of Brothers", "Saving Private Ryan" and the "The Thin Red Line". All three of these films stood out from earlier war movies for the perfect audio inclusion of what has been described as the "ping" sound. These films were also unique in that they also depicted the ejection of the en-bloc clip (which created the sound).

Canadian Army Newsreel: The Battle of Orotona

Known as "Little Stalingrad", the small village of Ortona on the Adriatic coast of Italy became the scene of a fierce battle between the advancing First Canadian Division and the elite German 3rd Parachute Regiment of the First Parachute Division.

1,375 Canadians were killed in and around Ortona in December 1943, 2,339 were casualties.

Operation Barbarossa in colour

Operation Barbarossa (German: ''Unternehmen Barbarossa'') was the codename for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II that commenced on June 22, 1941. The operation was named after the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire, a leader of the Crusades in the 12th century. It is not to be confused with the war on the Eastern Front in its entirety.

German Submarine Footage in Color

Terrific and rare footage of German subs with that creepy Nazi Jazz band providing back-up. Take a look.

German Newsreel: The Luftwaffe

German newsreel footage extolling the virtues of their air force.

The Japanese Surrender Proceedings

News reel of the surrender ceremony on board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, September 2, 1945. Background music is "With Honor Crowned".

Why We Fight (1943)

"Why We Fight" is a series of seven propaganda films (made between 1942 and 1945) commissioned by the United States government during World War II to demonstrate to American soldiers the reason for U.S. involvement in the war. Later on they were also shown to the general U.S. public to persuade them to support American intervention. Most of the films were directed by Frank Capra, who was daunted and terrified by Leni Riefenstahl's propaganda film, "Triumph of the Will", and worked in direct response to it.

Luftwaffe in Action - Air War over Europe 1943-44

A compilation of various German wartime newsreels, showing fighter control operations and intercepts of American 4-engine bombers. German voice-over.

The March of the Waffen SS

Set to the tune, "Deutchland Uber Alles" and a number of other catchy tunes that the jolly boys of the SS sent rocketing up the charts of the top forty, this is official Nazi footage of the SS on the march in full regalia. Aside from plentiful displays of black wool and feldgrau stahelms, you will also see Heinrich, Adolf and all his pals staring from the fifty-yard line.

Mein Kampf, the Documentary

Assembled black and white footage accompanied by voiceover commentary tells the story of the Nazi rise, beginning with World War I, through the 1945 collapse of Berlin.

Mein Kampf Documentary, Part II

The second half of the documentary "Mein Kampf".

A World War II Documentary in Color

A segment of a longer documentary, filmed in color and concentrating on the G.I.s in Europe.

Absolutely Incredible Footage

A mixture of assorted World War Two clips, some German, some U.S., some color, some black and white -depicting battle or mobilizing for battle. The color film clips of the Marines in the Pacific is remarkable.

Combat on the Eastern Front

Black and white film footage from the Second World War depicting the German and Soviet infantrymen.

World War II Color Film: D-Day

Nice color footage of the U.S. Army as they head to the D-Day invasion beaches in Normandy and later - to Paris.

Firing The German MG42

Contemporary color footage of a Wermacht re-enactor firing a German MG42.
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