Men's Fashion Film Clips 
Here is a perfectly charming fashion illustration of a young man wearing a raccoon coat while abusing a tobacco product; this class of man was also prone to sitting on top of flag poles, concealing flasks and dancing the Charleston. Click here to read about the 1956 college revival of the raccoon coat.
These images, as well as the headline, were from a paid avertisement for a fashionable fifth avenue shop that had originally appeared in a chic Conde Nast magazine.
The least important aspect of the Versailles Treaty is discussed in this article. Many scholars have looked far and wide to find such a trivial concern, but the crack team of post-debutante archivists at have succeeded where the learned have failed. A further look at men's shirt collar accessories from the twenties. One of the unsung heroes of men's fashions from the early part of the Twentieth century had to be the "Triangle Hook". A nifty device, it was designed "to fit the soft collar for more fastidious wear; to make it fit the neck snugly, show the tie gracefully, and stay stylish..." "With the double-breasted coat, the single-breasted waistcoat is the rule and to repeat the crossing of lines twice in one suit is an entirely unreasonable exaggeration." | MORE ARTICLES >>> PAGE: * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * |