Men's Fashion Film Clips 
1916 was a poor year if you happened to be a German sailor off the coast of Denmark; it was a terrible year if you were in the infantry on the Somme or near Verdun but if you were an American man fond of horseback riding and you happened to have been shopping for the perfect riding suit on Madison Avenue, then is quite certain that 1916 was a great year for you!
If you would like to read another article about men's equestrian attire, please click here. Illustrated herein are the five necessary steps needed to tie the perfect ascot knot.
Up until 1974, it was believed by many of the old salts in fashion history circles that the earliest surviving example of men wearing "neck-cloths" could be found on Trajan's column (113 A.D.); but then the "Terracotta Army" (221 B.C.) was unearthed in China which altered much of the thinking as to how old tied neck cloths actually are. Our era is one in which the future of the tie is unknown, but the attached file dates from 1906 which serve to illustrate for the average Joe, how best to tie an ascot. A smartly illustrated review of the the equestrian fashions for the year 1918. Various illustrated equestrian profiles are provided and brief attention is paid to the newest boots available at that time. If you would like to read another article about men's equestrian attire, please click here.
There is no doubt about the fact that in the 1920s, there lived a great number of men who left the world a far richer place for their having walked the earth when they did; fellows like Pablo Picasso and Bertrand Russel, to name only two. The shallow editors at think that is all just ducky, but what we really want to know is how did these men keep their shirts tucked in? How could such fellows as these look so presentable when so many men before them have failed? We did some digging around and this is what we discovered... Attached is an illustrated magazine advertisement from a polite, middle class American periodical which depicts two trim bucks in the full flower of youth wearing their under-lovelies so that all the internet gawkers can get a sense of how wildly uncomfortable men's underwear used to be. Click here to read about the introduction of the T shirt to the world of fashion. The attached men's fashion article concerns the a "brief autumn visit to the country"; recalled by an anonymous fashion scribe whose charming prose allowed us to envision a leisured life in the late Gilded Age. | MORE ARTICLES >>> PAGE: * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * > NEXT |