The Nazis - American Fascism

In 1937 the elders of New Jersey passed a law that was tailor-made for the thugs of Camp Nordland. Knowing well who the Bundists were, the law clearly condemned "'the unlawful assembly of three or more persons' and 'and the uttering of speeches, the sale of literature, display of emblems and uniforms which counseled... hatred, violence or hostility against groups of persons... by reason of race, color, religion or manner of worship.'"
In 1940 the law netted a harvest of the three highest Bund leaders. Sabotage, The Secret War Against America (Harper, 1942), is as exciting as a Hitchcock movie. It is also a tragic story, for it is the factual , documented narrative of the years when this country was the happy hunting ground for our enemies, foreign and domestic."
Click here toread about the Canadian Bund.
Johannes Kroeger, ex-leader of the German-American Bund was picked up by the FBI in the Fall of 1942 for espionage. Employed as a bus driver on Long Island, New York, Kroeger would regularly carry the employees of the Republic Aviation Company to and from work. When pressed for details, the FBI remarked:
"Workers in aviation plants talk too much."
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