YANK reporter Harry Sions listened in as sixteen Nazi officials, having known and worked with Hitler in various capacities through the years, sat back and recalled the events of Hitler's last 365 days in power. Much was said regarding the failed assassination attempt (project Valkyrie) but some of the more interesting content refers to the closing days in the bunker with Bormann, Keitel and Jodl.
It was reported that shortly after he took up residence in the bunker, Hitler's hair and mustache was transformed to a bright white, yet he was not the only man in Europe in need of hair dye; click here about these other fellows. The amiable Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. penned the attached article and it was written at a time in his life when the man simply had to know what movie was the preferred darling above all others for the hideous Adolf Hitler - so after some hard-charging investigative journalism, he discovered that Hitler would scurry-away with Herman Goering in order to yuck it up in the dark while watching his fave non-Aryan comedy team. Who do you think it was?
Hitler might have liked American movies, but there was one thing American he didn't like: German-Americans drove him crazy.
Click here to learn about Stalin's favorite movie. This is a small segment from a longer article on this site that can be read here. Just months prior to the start of the Second World War, this anonymous correspondent asked, "Is Hitler a strategic genius?" For much of the following year many of Europe's anointed would find themselves asking much the same question; but this reporter was not impressed with the man one jot and wished his readers to keep in mind that throughout the slaughterous environment provided by the Entente Powers of the 1914 - 1918 war, Hitler was entirely unable to rise above the rank of corporal - in spite of the fact that his regiment was losing a sergeant each day.
From Amazon: Hitler's First War .
"Someone asks why Hitler doesn't take a wife, as that sort of subject would be bound to come up. The German girl is incredibly shocked": "I shudder to think of any woman thinking of herself as a physical being worthy of being with the Fuhrer. It is sacrilegious to mention it!".
Read about Hitler's expert on sex and racial purity...
This magazine article covered a speech made by Hitler four years into his rule:
"In his efforts to wipe out the country's status as a pariah among the nations, Hitler boasted Saturday, he had rearmed the Reich and seized the disarmed Rhineland. Still denouncing Versailles, he last week erased one of the most painful of the treaty's blots on German honor with a few words:"
'I hereby and above all annul the signature extorted from a weak and impotent Government against its better knowledge, confessing Germany's responsibility for the late war.'
Click here to read about Germany's treaty violations... During the summer of 1945, Yank reporter Corporal Howard Katzander, spent some time among the Third Army's prisoners of war where he happened upon a German senior officer who was in a very talkative mood: "The story he was telling was the story of why the war did not end last July. It was the story of the attempt to assassinate Hitler and he knew all about it. Because this was Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm Kuebart, a member of the Wermacht General Staff, and one of the original plotters."
Published in June of 1945, this must have been the first English language article about the Valkyrie plot. |