The Nazis Film Clips
There was some concern among members of the prosecuting legal team assembled at Nuremberg as to whether the Nazi defendants were mentally capable of standing trial for their heinous crimes. It was decided that each of the accused be administered an IQ test; to the surprise of all (except the accused) it was discovered that many of these men possessed intelligence levels that ranked at genius and near-genius grade!
Click here to read about the fall of Paris...
"Last spring the Third Reich recognized a third official state religion: a neo-pagan cult based on Thor, Wotan, Siegfried and the old Nordic gods. It was especially favored by ultranazis and by Hitler's black-shirted bodyguards, the Schutzstaffel or S.S. corps. The other two official German religions are Catholic and Protestant Evangelical, whose proponents today are deadlocked in combat with the up and coming neopagans."
American columnist Walter Lippmann of the The New York Herald Tribune wrote:
"They symbolize the moral and intellectual character of the Nazi regime. For these bonfires are not the work of schoolboys or mobs but of the present German Government acting through its Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment."
CLICK HERE to read an article from 1923 about the abitious Adolf Hitler.
Read about the American reporter who became a Nazi...
"Goebbels is the creator of the Hitler legend. He is the white-washer of the Nazi reputation. In the 1920s the party had an unsavory name because its ranks included a clique of of homosexuals. As early as 1922 a Nazi meeting at Munich voted that no woman should ever hold political office. Goebbels twisted the party's abnormal dislike of women into something 'respectable' - the doctrine that a woman's place was in the kitchen and the maternity ward." The attached article tells the story of an organization that was formed by the German Foreign Office in order to steal the treasures of the occupied European nations. It was called the Nazi Art Corps and it was divided into four battalions of SS men; they stole manuscripts, sculpture, paintings, jewels etc, etc, etc. They answered to the Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joachim von Ribbentrop (1893 – 1946).
Click here to read about the inmate rebellions that took place at Auschwitz, Sobibor and Triblinka.
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