Princess Luciene Murat (1876 - 1951?), "a distinguished member of the French nobility" and a devotee to Paul Poiret, wrote this VOGUE article shortly after her return from Turkey in 1922. It is the sort of piece that could only be written by an over-indulged member of the post-war European high-society, which makes it all the more enjoyable to read. Her reminiscences of her visit to the city of Pera are especially interesting for the observations made regarding the White Russians of her acquaintance who reluctantly resided there in some discomfort. Here is a mock society page that sought to belittle all the goings on among the sweet young things at Newport during the season of 1922. The article was illustrated by Clara Tice (Art Director of The Masses). "A large and fashionably dressed group of Newport's 'creme de la creme' were observed on burning sands. Mixed bathing was indulged in...Many succulent bits of gossip and spicey rumor have been overheard in the ladies annex during the noon dressing hour and right merry time was had by all." |