Attached is a digest of a Zionist article that appeared some weeks earlier in THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY written by Rabbi Joel Blau who tended to believe that antisemitism could only be eradicated if the Jews of the world were to return to Israel.
When the sun came up in 1935, it found that Jews had been designated a "preferred risk" by the insurance companies of the day. One member of the medical community looked into their reasoning:
"That the Jews are the most nervous of all civilized peoples in the civilized world has been established as almost axiomatic in the medical profession." "With ranks spread thin, Haganah, the army of the two-weeks old 'Independent Republic' of Israel, had to resist the armed forces of four other Arab states The Lebanese swept down from the north. Syrian and Iraqi armies converged near the Sea of Galilee. Egyptians invaded Jerusalem from the south. And Egyptian planes bombed Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel, and settlements in the south. Dropping 50-pounders, the Egyptians scored their biggest strike on a Tel Aviv bus station, killing 41, wounding 65." "With daring and resourcefulness Father Benoit built up an efficient organization to smuggle Jews and other anti-Nazi refugees into Spain...He found an old hand press in the basement and, with the aid of a Jewish printer-engraver, turned out thousands of passports. Then he summoned a number of Swiss, Hungarian and Rumanian consuls and convinced them in the name of God and our common humanity to sign the crudely made documents." "In Washington, D.C. at least 1,500 delegates from 800 American communities in 44 states swarmed into the Mayflower Hotel for the annual conference of the National Council for Palestine. As one of the nation's most important and inclusive Jewish organizations, it was natural that the Council should devote its meetings exclusively to the refugee problem."
Read about the Nazis who cried out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
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