The brain child of Il Duce, the Four-Power Pact was a diplomatic treaty that was intended to guarantee a greater voice to the four strongest powers in Europe: Italy, Germany, France and Britain.
"The chief value of the Mussolini pact is (1) it induces collaboration in Europe and (2) it pledges the disarmament regardless of what the disarmament conference does."
It is terribly chic these days to insist that the presidency of Donald Trump is "Fascist" - no one would have found this statement more hilarious than the fellows who are profiled in the attached article. These are the men who were assaulted on the streets and in their offices by Mussolini's supporters, these are the writers who were censored and blacklisted - these hardy souls were the original Anti-Fa. On June 29, 1931, Pope Pius XI issued an encyclical letter that condemned Italian fascism’s “pagan worship of the State” and “revolution which snatches the young from the Church and from Jesus Christ, and which inculcates in its own young people hatred, violence and irreverence.” The Pope irritated Mussolini to a further degree by labeling the Italian Fascist government as "anti-Catholic" after Il Duce put the kibosh on numerous Catholic youth organizations throughout the land. A Truce was agreed upon but as Mussolini grew closer to the Nazis later in the decade, and the battle reemerged. "Since 1922 Italy's marriage rate has fallen to 7.2 per 1,000 of population, her birth rate to 22.2 per 1,000 and her excess of births over deaths to 8.7 per 1,000. The newspaper IL POPOLO d'ITALIA of Milan has estimated that the steady decline in the birth rate has deprived Il Duce of 15 army divisions." As you will see by reading the attached article, Mussolini's flack released no information concerning Rachele Mussolini (1890 – 1979), Il Duce's second wife. All that they seem to know about the lass was that she had a waistline that rivaled his.
After Hitler drafted everyone who could possibly be drafted, he found that he now had a labor shortage. He reached out to his fellow Fascist, Mussolini, asking for additional workers - Italy complied and numerous volunteers went forth. These Italians returned two years later and told how they were consistently abused:
"They were treated by the master race like the millions of Russian, Polish, French, Yugoslav war prisoners who are forced to produce for the Nazi war machine. Far from home, cut off from their families, the Italian workers suffered hardships often as great as the workers from Nazi-occupied countries." | MORE ARTICLES >>> PAGE: * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * |