An enthusiastic behind-the-scenes article from Photoplay concerning Walt Disney's 1938 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:
• "He employed 569 people who worked all day and frequently all night to finish it."
"The film took three and half years to make and cost $1,500,000.00".
"He concocted 1500 different paints to give it unmatched color."
"He spent $70,000.00 developing a brand new camera to give it depth."
"He threw away four times the drawings he made and the film he shot."
"He made over 2,000,000 separate drawings..."
Although Disney's wife, Lilian, was said to have remarked, "No one's ever gonna pay a dime to see a dwarf picture", the movie generated more box office receipts than any other film in 1938.
In 1950, a smug critic stated that Cinderella was essentially the same movie; click here to read that review.
From Amazon: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs