This 1936 magazine article presents a picture of the Polish city of Danzig as it was during the mid-thirties. It was a city in which Danzig Nazis, like Arthur Karl Greiser, spoke of making that town a part Germany once more (it was ordained a Polish city as a result of the Versailles Treaty) and Minister Joseph Beck who approved of the status quo.
"NAZI PATIENCE: Neither Beck nor Hitler is anxious to come to a break over Danzig. Hitler, a sworn enemy of Soviet Russia, advises his Danzig Nazis to forbear from mentioning their intention of completely abandoning League control for secession to Germany..."
Hitler's troops invaded Poland on August 31, 1939.
•In 1940, former W.W. I British Prime Minister Lloyd George wrote an editorial in which he condemned the leaders of Europe for procrastinating rather than dealing with Hitler
when Germany was still weak•
•Click here to read it•