American journalist Cecil Brown (1907 - 1987) did a fine job in presenting all the various bad choices that were on the table in 1948, when the leaders of the freer nations, still smarting form W.W. II, found that Stalin and Co. were reneging on their obligations under the 1945 Potsdam Treaty (among other agreements) and actively attempting to sabotage the economic recovery in Western Europe.
The article is illustrated with five black and white photos and answers thirty-four questions as to whether or not a war with the Soviet Union can be avoided.
At the time this article appeared on the newsstands Berlin was undergoing it's third month of deprivations as a result of a Soviet blockade (you can read about the Berlin Blockade here).
A Quick Read About Soviet-Enforced Atheism Behind the Iron Curtain...
In 1958, Fidel Castro wrote an article for an American magazine in which he thoroughly lied about his intentions; click here to read it.
Read another article that compares Communism and Nazism...
Additional magazine and newspaper articles about the Cold War may be read on this page.
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