"Smarter than they were last Winter, the Nazis apparently plan to go on the defensive in most sectors... [to prepare,] the Nazis have forced at least 1,500,000 Poles and Jews and unnumbered Russians seized in the occupied areas, to build defensive works from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea... Once the snow flies, massed tank assaults will be over until next June, except possibly over windswept snow-free ice. The Russians have found that tanks cannot follow in each other's tracks in thick snow, but must be spread over a broad front. In Winter, the roll of the tank is strictly that of transporting and supporting infantry."
"Ski troops move with astonishing rapidity. For short distances, they can spurt to 15 miles an hour. Down a steep hill the sky's the limit. Slashing flank raids will therefore feature this Winter's struggle as they did last year's."
"Many of the soldier's most dependable Summer weapons simply won't work in Winter. Planes and tanks are stymied by frozen lubricating oil. The recoil cylinders of field guns, which also contain oil, are pinned into place by cold. Machine guns and automatic weapons jam."