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A 1938 Collier's Magazine article covering the ascent of Reichfurhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler (1900 - 1945):

"Himmler has dossiers on every man of substance in Germany. Party functionary, business leader, churchman, diplomat, army officer or statesman; all are nicely indexed for the day when their case histories might be needed in a hurry. Because in Germany, everyone is suspect. Some Nazis will even tell you that Himmler has a dossier on himself."

Click here to read about the dating history of Adolf Hitler.

Click here to read an eyewitness account of the suicide of Himmler.

Click here to read about the origins of Fascist thought...

From Amazon


Heinrich Himmler (Collier's Magazine, 1938)

Heinrich Himmler (Collier's Magazine, 1938)

Heinrich Himmler (Collier's Magazine, 1938)

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