The 1930s Europeans were not alone in their cultivation of Fascist parties; the United States opened a franchise all it's own and the attached article serves to document that sad organization. This article is essentially a photo-essay consisting of twenty-six photographs and a brief explanation regarding Fritz Kuhn, the Friends of New Germany movement and the pathetic goings-on at Camp Nordland in New Jersey:
"The pictures on these pages were not made in Germany. They may look like accurate shots of a foreign political movement , which they are, but they were made right here in these United States. Almost coincidentally with Hitler's assumption of power in the Reich, our free democracy began to feel the long paw of Nazi propaganda..."
When the United States entered the war in 1941, many of the people who participated were shipped off to internment camps for the duration of the war.
Click here to read more about the German-American Bund...
Click here toread about the Canadian Bund.
Click here to read about an admired American hero who was also attracted to fascist theology.
This is one thing that the Bundists liked to over-look: German-Americans drove Hitler crazy.
Read about the American reporter who became a Nazi...
Three Books from Amazon: