More Titanic Verses (Collier's Magazine, 1912)American politician, diplomat and author Brand Whitlock (1869 – 1934) composed this pseudo-medieval verse in which the Ironic Spirit mocks man and his triumphs: "This is thy latest, greatest miracle.
The triumph of thy latest science, art and all That skill thou'st learnt since forth the Norsemen fared Across these waters in their cockle shells..."
Whitlock is not remembered for his poetry, but rather as the outstanding U.S. Ambassador to Belgium between the years 1913 - 1922. It was there that the man's mettle was put to the test and was not found wanting.
The Boy at Vicksburg (Literary Digest, 1912)After reading the attached article, we concluded that baby-sitters must have been pretty hard to come by in the 1860s - and perhaps you'll feel the same way, too, should you choose to read these columns that concern the recollections of Frederick Dent Grant (1850 – 1912) - son of General Ulysses S. Grant, who brought his son (who was all of 13 years-old at the time) to the blood-heavy siege of Vicksburg in the summer of 1863. The struggles he witnessed must have appealed to the boy, because he grew up to be a general, too.
Early Aviation Safety Inventions (The Literary Digest, 1912)An overview of the technological advancements that had been introduced in the aviation community in 1912. References are made to the superiority of the Pneumatic Flying Helmet, and the installation of the W. I. Twombly Safety Harness, oil gauges, self-acting gas pumps, double-cables, self-starting motors and heavily re-enforced wheels. References are also made to the 1910, twenty-two mile flight across the English Channel by a pilot named Bleriot. Titanic Cartoons (Literary Digest, 1912)Four cartoons pertaining to the loss of Titanic; the drawings first appeared in four different newspapers from various parts of the the United States shortly after news of the disaster had spread. Are the Native Americans of Jewish Origin? (The Literary Digest, 1912)The earliest encounters with the Native American had left the brain trust of Europe entirely baffled. The persistent matter as to "who" these people were remained an unanswered question well into the Nineteenth Century, for in order to qualify as a member of "enlightened" classes, a fellow had to show some sufficiency in at least two fields: classical literature and the Bible. Therefore, it stood to their reasoning that the inhabitants of the Americas had their story told in one of those two fields of study. The Titanic Disaster (The Nation, 1912)Not long after the Titanic catastrophe was made known to the world there were many rumors and half truths that had to be sorted out and recognized as such in order to fully understand the full scope of the catastrophe; the editors of The Nation printed this article which contributed to that effort: "...two terrible, damning facts stand out: the first, that the ship was speeding through an ice-field of the presence of which its officers were fully aware; the second, is that every life could readily have been saved had there been boats and rafts enough to keep people afloat in a clear, starry night on an exceptionally smooth Atlantic sea. Both these facts are indisputable." "As for the lifeboats, these expensive affairs that could cost the large sum of $425.00 apiece - there were but twenty of them in addition to a few rafts..." A Greek Tragedy at Sea (Century Magazine, 1912)In an effort to add some element of nobility to that horrid April night when Titanic slipped under the surface of the sea, an anonymous opinion writer wrote this short editorial six weeks later:
"The terrible event reads like an epic of night, or like a Greek tragedy on a colossal scale; more, it is a revelation of the power of God in man." What is the Shape of an Iceberg? (Literary Digest, 1912)A short, well illustrated article which sought to answer the question which so many were asking in the immediate aftermath of the Titanic disaster "How big is an iceberg?" 1912: An Important Year in Military Aviation (The Literary Digest, 1912)1912 was the year that the Lewis Gun was first mounted on military aircraft. The military possibilities of this combination was immediately recognizable to all onlookers: "The potential results of swooping aircraft, armed to the teeth with death dealing bullets, is staggering to ordnance officers of the Army and Navy who discuss it. 'Where will this lead?' they ask. Is it possible that the air is to harbor the greatest destructive forces in modern warfare? There seems nothing to prevent it." Click here to read an article about the development of aerial reconnaissance during W.W. I. Scientific Proof That Women Should Not Be Allowed to Vote (Current Opinion, 1912)This article was written by the well respected British bacteriologist and immunologist Sir Almroth Wright (1861 - 1947) concerning his belief that women should be denied the vote. Relying upon his scientific training, Wright held that women, as a result of their flawed nature, simply lacked a sense of reasoning.
Responsibility for the Titanic Disaster (The Literary Digest, 1912)This article presents a broad survey of 1912 opinions concerning the Titanic sinking from a number of different sources. You'll read the defensive statements of Joseph Bruce Ismay, the critical remarks made by Carpathia Captain Rostrom, the varying assignments of blame made by newspapers and assorted government swells as well as the broad understanding that "wireless communication" must become a standard piece of equipment for all ships. Also reported is the news of a mutiny on board the Titanic's sister ship, Olympic, which was also furnished with the suspect "collapsible" lifeboats. The Missing Confederate Gold (Literary Digest, 1912)For many it will come as no surprise that the Confederate States of America entered it's twilight with the same hubris and cupidity that gave it life. This 1912 article solved a mystery: what had become of the gold and silver from the vaults of the CSA when it finally became clear to all that the rebellion was over.
Click here to read a memoir of the Union victory parade in 1865 Washington. The First Casualty of an Air War (Popular Mechanics, 1912)It was during the Italian-Turkish War (1911 - 12) that aircraft began to play active rolls in support of military operations. This article is remarkable in that it reports that as early as 1912, aircraft was used not merely to aid in the observation of enemy troop movements but also to drop bombs. "Captain Monte of the Italian army aeroplane corps has achieved the distinction of being the first airman wounded in battle while in the air with his machine." Titanic Obituary: Francis D. Millet (Literary Digest, 1912)Journalist, artist and American Civil War veteran Francis D. Millet, (1846 - 1912) was also one of the doomed passengers on board Titanic. Prior to the sinking, Millet had enjoyed some success as a muralist.
"Among the institutions possessing canvases by Millet are the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Detroit Museum, the Union League Club, the Duquesne Club of Pittsburg, and the National Gallery of New Zealand."
A Fiscal Report on the Immigrants of 1911 (America Magazine, 1912)This is a short notice concerning which of the prominent immigrant groups were the poorest and the richest in the year 1911 - and from which nations did they originate. "Of the arrivals during the fiscal year, 1.6 percent were debarred from entering this country. Special mention is made of the fact that immigrants from Canada carried the greatest amount per capita, and those crossing the Mexican border brought with them the least money." Titanic Corpses Continue to be Found (Clinch Valley News, 1912)The Clinch Valley News, a small town newspaper published out of Jeffersonville, Virginia, reported that as many as 77 Titanic corpses had been found floating in the Atlantic just nine days after the sinking.
"Many of the bodies were unrecognizable and were buried at sea with suitable ceremonies". Mariano Fortuny and his Knossos Scarf (Vogue Magazine, 1912)Marguerite O'Kane, a genuine enthusiast of the Arts and Crafts Movement, enjoyed the unique distinction of writing the first review for American VOGUE covering the work of Mariano Fortuny (Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo: 1871 - 1949). Although celebrated in Europe since making his first gown in 1906, the Knossos Scarf, a long sheer silk rectangle inspired by the costumes of ancient Crete, he was unknown to most fashion-minded Americans until this article appeared during the closing weeks of 1912.
Iconic fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent began his meteoric career as a very young man; click here to read about him. *Watch a Film Clip About Mariano Fortuny * H.G. Wells' Remarks on the Titanic Disaster (The Bookman, 1912)Writing as a devoted socialist, H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) saw the Titanic disaster through the lenses of one who has come to only expect the worst from the British class structure:
"It typifies perfectly to his mind the muddle of the present social situation and illustrates the incompetence of the upper class in modern society".
"It was the penetrating comment of chance upon our entire social system. Beneath a surface of magnificent efficiency was -slapdash. The ship was not even equipped to to save its third-class passengers; they placed themselves on board with an infinite confidence in the care that was to be taken of them, and most of their women and children went down with the cry of those who find themselves cheated out of life."
Sketchy News Reports (The Spectator, 1912)The attached three news reports were among some of the very first British magazine notices on the Titanic disaster to be printed. The Spectator editors rejected, even as a possibility, the fact that the great ship had broken in half; they also rejected a number of other observations made by the surviving eyewitnesses. A Child's Interview With Dickens (The Literary Digest, 1912)Kate Douglas Wiggin recalled her childhood train ride in the 1840's in which she was able to have a chat with one of her favorite authors, Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870), as he traveled the United States on a reading tour. " 'Of course, I do skip some of the very dull parts once and a while; not the short dull parts but the long ones.' He laughed heartily. 'Now that is something that I hear very little about' he said".
Iceberg Warnings as Early as January (Popular Mechanics, 1912)The attached two paragraphs appeared in Popular Mechanics some six weeks prior to the maiden voyage of Titanic: "As many as 4,500 different bergs have been actually counted in a run of 2,000 miles; estimated heights of from 800 to 1,700 feet are not uncommon, and bergs with lengths of from 6 to 82 miles are numerous."
The notice indicated that if the Indian Ocean is suffering such a large number then certainly it can be surmised that the North Atlantic will be plagued doubly. It stands to reason that if the editors of this magazine were aware of the heavy presence of South-bound icebergs, then the naval community must also have been in the know.
The Weirdest Invention of 1912 (Popular Mechanics, 1912)Up all hours and badly in need of sleep, the pointy headed historians at this website have examined all other possibilities and - leaving no stone un-turned, mind you - have unanimously voted in favor of dubbing this the weirdest invention of 1912... How John Jacob Astor Died (New York Times, 1912)Two eyewitness accounts relaying the last moments in the life of millionaire investor John Jacob Astor IV (born and his gallantry in refusing a place in the lifeboats. According to Mrs. Churchill Candee (born Helen Churchill Hungerford, 1859 - 1949)and Second Class passenger Hilda Slater (1882 - 1965) he lived up to the expected standards of the day: "I saw Colonel John Jacob Astor hand his young wife into a boat tenderly and then ask an officer whether or not he might also go. When permission was refused he stepped back and coolly took out his cigarette case." "'Good bye, dearie' he called gaily, as he lighted his cigarette and leaned over the rail, 'I'll join you later.'"
Union General James Harrison Wilson (The Dial Magazine, 1912)Attached is the review from a respected literary journal concerning the autobiography of Brigadier General James Harrison Wilson (1837 - 1925). Under the Old Flag Wilson is today best remembered as the U.S. Army cavalry officer who captured the Confederate President Jefferson Davis in his flight from Richmond. Following the Civil War, where he rose rapidly in the army hierarchy and finished as brigadier general, Wilson continued to play important rolls in the U.S. military; serving during the Spanish-American War and the Boxer Rebellion The Pankhursts (Life Magazine, 1912)In the digital age, we are able to recognize civil disobedience and call it by name, but this was certainly not the case for this "Old Boy" writing in 1912; he read about the criminal past-times of Mrs. Pankhurst (Emmeline Pankhurst, 1850 - 1928) and her two daughters (Christobel Pankhurst, 1880 - 1960; Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst, 1882 - 1960), and thought that no good could possibly come of such rabble-rousing.
The Bravery of the Titanic Musicians (Literary Digest, 1912)A short excerpt from the London Standard concerning the fortitude of the Titanic musicians: "We are usually a undemonstrative people, but the incident of the string band of the Titanic, it's members gathered together to play the hymn "Nearer My God to Thee", as the great ship settled for her last plunge, left men speechless with pity. It is a great incident of history, worthy to rank with the last parade on Birkenhead" Attached you will also find the musical score and lyrics of "Nearer My God to Thee". Edwardian Chivalry Upheld as Titanic Went Under (Current Literature, 1912)The Titanic disaster was a sad affair on a number of levels; however April 15, 1912 was a great night for the Anglo-Saxon hegemony and the values they held dear. As this piece makes clear, chivalry and other examples of good form were all in place as the great ship went down. It was remembered with pride how even the most pampered of millionaire industrialists stepped aside so that others might have a place on the lifeboats (all except J. Bruce Ismay). G.K. Chesterton Comments on the Titanic Disaster (The Bookman, 1912)The British critic, novelist and poet G.K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936) was far more outraged by the American press coverage and the remarks made by the Yankee political classes than by any other aspect of the Titanic.
The Death of Captain Smith (Current Literature Magazine, 1912)An eye-witness account from one of the survivors concerning the last minutes of Titanic Captain Edward Smith: "'I will go down with the ship,' he cried. He sank immediately, and although those on the collapsible boat watched for him to come up that they might drag him aboard, he never appeared." The Struggle for California (The Dial Magazine, 1912)Attached is the The Dial Magazine book review of Elijah R. Kennedy's "The Contest for California in 1861". Kennedy maintained that "a large party in California and Oregon sought to deliver that region to the Southerners" and might have succeeded were it not for the efforts of one Colonel E.D. Baker.
Click here to print American Civil War chronologies. A Child's Interview With Charles Dickens (The Literary Digest, 1912)Kate Douglas Wiggins recalled her childhood train ride in the 1840's in which she was able to have a chat with one of her favorite author, Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870), as he traveled the United States on a reading tour. "'Of course, I do skip some of the very dull parts once and a while; not the short dull parts but the long ones.' He laughed heartily. 'Now that is something that I hear very little about' he said'". Mouillard: Aviation Pioneer (The Literary Digest, 1912)The attached 1912 Literary Digest article addresses the debt that past and future aviators owe to Louis Pierre Mouillard (1834 – 1897); an aviation visionary whose relentless study of bird flight throughout the last half of the Nineteenth Century paved the way for aviators yet unborn.
Two Governments Weigh In On The Titanic Disaster (Literary Digest, 1912)An overview of both the British and the American reports concerning the sinking of the Titanic.
"An interesting comparison of the American and British official investigations of the Titanic disaster was published...the conclusions is reached that although the American investigators were practically an 'avenging' body and the English a 'vindicating' one, the recommendations made by the two come to very nearly the same thing...[but]in the matter of responsibility, the reviewer finds marked dissimilarity."
Admiral Peary on Icebergs and the Titanic Catastrophe (Review of Reviews, 1912)The arctic explorer Admiral Robert Peary (1856 – 1920) was no stranger to icebergs. In this short essay he reminisces about spotting icebergs, the most dangerous types of icebergs, the times when an iceberg can prove helpful to a skipper and the remedies for the future. ''The Sunset of the Confederacy'' (The Dial Magazine, 1912)This book review is a wonderful read, punctuated with interesting descriptions of the Civil War's most prominent players. The book in question is The Sunset Of The Confederacy by former Confederate General Morris Schaff (1840-1929), author of The Battle of the Wilderness (1910).
Isaac N. Lewis and the Lewis Machine Gun (1912)A 1912 magazine article concerns machine gun inventor Isaac N. Lewis and his machine gun, the Lewis gun. The Lewis Gun played a major roll during the First World War, having been purchased in large quantities by the British/Commonwealth armies. Written just two years prior to the slaughter, this article is about U.S. Army experiments with the Lewis Gun when it is mounted on aircraft. As the article makes clear, the Lewis Gun was the first machine gun to have ever been fixed to a plane.
An Historic Telegram Addressed to General Sherman (The Nation, 1912)The Nation reported in 1912 that a telegram "of great historical importance" had been put up for auction (N.B.: the Twenty-First Century equivalent of a "telegram" is a text message). The telegram was addressed to General William Techumseh Sherman and signed by General U.S. Grant and it clearly gives Sherman free reign to ravage the countryside as he marched.
Click here to read the chronologies of the American Civil War.
To read the story behind Lincoln's beard, click here.
George Bernard Shaw Comments About the Titanic Sinking (The Bookman, 1912)On the matters involving Titanic, playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1957) hated the hero-blather he read in the press; he despised all the assorted sugary-sweet romantic rot that was associated with the ship's sinking and it was only by lying, he insisted, that the newspapers made the victims out to be, in any way, heroic.
Shaw illustrated his point by referring to the survivor account by Lady Duff-Gordon (1863 - 1935):
"She described how she escaped in the captain's boat. There was one other woman in it and ten men, twelve all told, one woman for every five men."
Good point.
Click here to read the socialist ramblings of George Bernard Shaw.
Click here to read various witty remarks by George Bernard Shaw. Needless New Religions (The Literary Review, 1912)The author reported that in the year 1912 one could easily find a plethora of "useless" and needless faiths and denominations: "These religions come to naught in the end."
Two Parachute Pioneers (Popular Mechanics, 1912)Attached is a well illustrated article concerning two of the earliest parachute drops: one was quite fatal while the other had a jollier ending. The first leap documented in this column was made by a fellow known only as F. Rodman Law (dates?); he jumped 345 feet from the torch of the Statue of Liberty and landed 30 feet from the water's edge. The next day, parachute enthuiast Franz Reichelt (1879 – 1912) jumped from the first platform of the Eiffel Tower with a parachute of his own design. The Popular Mechanics correspondent reported that:
"His body was a shapeless mass when the police picked it up."
*Watch the 1912 Film Footage of Franz Reichelt's Unfortunate Parachute Jump* Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Debated G.B. Shaw (The Bookman, 1912)Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) was outraged by the dismissive, bitter comments made by the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1957) regarding the many acts of heroics that took place as the ship was sinking. German Military Expansion (The Spectator, 1912)This small piece from THE SPECTATOR magazine concerned the 1912 budget increase mandated by the Imperial German "Defense Bills" which called for a growth of the German army and navy. The expansion of the fleet was to include eight battleships and nine cruisers of various sizes and provide for further additions later. The German Army was to be furnished with two additional army corps. Titanic Verses (The Bookman, 1912)The Titanic catastrophe was not seen by many to be a poetic topic, however there were a few wordsmiths who did address the subject. The link above will lead you to two of these poems; one by Charles Hanson Towne (1877 - 1949), a poet, essayist and playwright who, at the time of the sinking, was serving as an editor at Designer magazine. The second poem was penned by M.C. Lehr, of whom there is no surviving information. The First Folding Wing Monoplane (Popular Mechanics, 1912)A passing glance at aviation magazines from the early Twentieth Century reveals that that particular sub-culture was very concerned with the ability to allow for trouble-free ground transport of aircraft. There were many magazine articles picturing how biplanes could be deconstructed for this purpose and up until 1912, or so we are led to believe by the editors of Popular Mechanics, the de Marcay-Mooney monoplane was the first flying machine that was able to have it's wings fold back (much like a bird or a beetle) and when re-set at 90 degrees for take-off, could fly successfully. The Crown Prince: Saber Rattler (Current Literature, 1912)The son and heir of the German Kaiser, Crown Prince Wilhelm III (1882 - 1951) was known well throughout the pre-war era for demonstrating his dislike of the German Government's peaceful policies and especially for his belligerent, anti-British remarks, which caused tremendous embarrassment to the Imperial German Chancellor, while giving no end of pleasure to the "hot-heads" of Berlin.
Russian Composers Preferred by Rimsky-Korsakov (Review of Reviews, 1912)For those of you looking for some dish in the music history department, this article recounts a conversation between Rimsky-Korsakov (1844 – 1908) and Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) as to which Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov preferred the best: Anton Rubinstein or Peter Tschaikovsky. Opinions flew in all directions and many more names were dropped before the conversation came to a close... Clerical Reasons for the Titanic Disaster (Literary Digest, 1912)In the attached news report from The Literary Digest you will read an article that is composed of portions from various Christian sermons that were delivered throughout the United States on the Sunday following the Titanic sinking:
"...The disease that is gnawing into our civilization are love of money and passion for luxury. Those two combined to sink the Titanic."
Cowardly Behavior on TITANIC (New York Times, 1912)This is a small notice from THE NEW YORK TIMES reporting on the surprisingly impulsive behavior of the men of high civic standing on-board Titanic who were among the first to scramble for the lifeboats: "It was our Congressmen, our Senators, and our 'big men' who led in the crush for the lifeboats."
It was also pointed out that many of the Titanic heroes that night were also men of prominence within their communities, fellows such as Isador Straus and John Jacob Astor who refused to accept lifeboat seating.
The Advance of the Low-Priced Automobile (Current Literature Magazine, 1912)In answer to the cry for more affordable cars that can easily be purchased by working families, the French automobile industry of 1912 produced a line of long, narrow, boat-like cars, "mounted on four wire wheels, carrying it's passengers in tandem fashion". The production of these one and two cylinder air-cooled motors was based more upon the production lines of motorcycles rather than cars. When the U.S. Navy Got A Little Larger... (Current Literature, 1912)This article heralds the construction of two American battleships that would later become famous for the rolls they played during the Second World War. Both ships, U.S.S. Oklahoma and U.S.S. Nevada, would be commissioned in 1916 and assigned to the Atlantic Fleet during the Great War; Oklahoma protected convoys and later, in 1919, escorted President Wilson to France to the Versailles Treaty.
The U.S. Senate's Report on the Titanic Disaster (The Independent, 1912)"The White Star Company is properly condemned for the fact that there was no suitable provision for saving life, no drill of the sailors, and further, that the bulkheads separating the watertight compartments did not close properly."
The German View of the Next War (Literary Digest, 1912)Attached is a short review of a book that turned many heads in the diplomatic circles of Europe in 1911: Germany And The Next War, written by Germany's General von Bernhardi (1849 – 1930): "A very influential military writer in Germany declares that Germany must win her place as a world power through warfare". The book sales in Germany were quite meager up until the first shot was fired in August of 1914, when they picked up considerably. The Titanic Crew: Under-Drilled and Mediocre (The Nation, 1912)The following is a very short opinion piece that more than likely served as an accurate reflection the of the opinions held by the Titanic's mourning loved ones. In their grief and incomprehension, some of the surviving family members of Titanic's victims, no doubt, did lay much of the blame on those who ply their trade at sea: "The Titanic's loss has made it clear that things are not going well among seamen. Despite the calmness of many of the crew, some of the facts that are coming out do not redound to the credit of the men of the sea. Like the captains of those near-by steamers that could have saved all but refused, they have made us all ask weather the old ideal of the sailor as a man brave to rashness, ready at any time to risk his life for others, and characterized by many other noble attributes of character, has faded from the sea..." *Watch a 1912 Newsreel of the Titanic in Belfast* Digesting the True Horror of the Titanic Disaster (Current Literature, 1912)In the final hours of the Titanic's life there were examples of heroic self-sacrifice; there were also examples of selfishness and cowardice. "Women and men, stokers and millionaires, crew and passengers, faced the grim enemy with unshaken fortitude and self-control. There were exceptions of course. In a company of 2,300 men and women of all sorts there must be some who show the yellow streak at such a time."
"Of the 1,400 passengers, 495 were saved, of whom 202 were first cabin, 115 second cabin and 178 steerage passengers. That is, 35 percent of the passengers and 22 percent of the crew survived." Weighing-In on Bruce Ismay (Current Literature Magazine, 1912)A couple of admirals weigh in as to the innocence or guilt of Bruce Ismay (1862 – 1937), Managing Director of the White Star Line. While the PITTSBURGH DISPATCH seemed to think that a debate was simply not necessary:
"...But it cannot be ignored that the man who in the management of the line had sent the great steamer to sea with lifeboats for about one-third of the ship's company, bore a responsibility that might well have been atoned by joining the gallant men who went down with the ship." The Airborne Machine Gun (Literary Digest, 1912)"This remarkable aeroplane gun is the invention of Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac N. Lewis of the United States Army Coast Artillery Corps. Curiously enough, the gun was designed primarily for infantry and cavalry use."
Click here to read a 1918 article about the Lewis Gun. The Bravery of the Women (Current Literature Magazine, 1912)It was not simply the menfolk who maintained the "stiff upper lip" as Titanic began to take water; many of the women also believed it was there place to suffer in order that others may live.
"Many other women had to be almost forced into the boats or wheeled into them." Father and Son Discord: Wilhelm II and the Crown Prince (Current Literature, 1912)"Relations between Emperor William (Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1859-1941)and his son and heir, the German Crown Prince (Wilhelm III, 1882-1951), have now become so strained as to be a source of embarrassment to the whole court of Berlin. Vienna, a sort of clearing house for gossip of this sort, is filled with sensational stories..."
Click here to read what the Kaiser thought of Adolf Hitler. Anticipating the Titanic Disaster (The Nation, 1912)A couple of years prior to the sinking of Titanic the president of the International Seaman's Union of America presented a petition before the U.S. Congress declaring that the issue of safety at sea is widely ignored on all levels. In his address he remarked: "There is not sailing today on any ocean any passenger vessel carrying the number of boats needed to take care of the passengers and crew..."
The Stories of Gallantry (Current Literature Magazine, 1912)A few lines devoted to those who distinguished themselves that sad evening on Titanic, as well as some thoughts concerning the tune, "Autumn" -which was performed during the closing moments of the tragedy. The article is accompanied by a photograph of U.S. Army Major Archie Butt (b. 1865), who was remembered for having kept the order during the evacuation. *Watch an Informative 1970s Documentary * Wilbur Wright, R.I.P. (Collier's, 1912)The Collier's Magazine obituary for Wilbur Wright (1867 - 1912) was written by the aviator and journalist Henry Woodhouse (born Mario Terenzio Casalengo, 1884 - 1970).
The Brothers Wright gave flying instructions to a young boy who would later become one of the first U.S. Air Force generals - you can read about him here...
Click here to read about a much admired American aviator who was attracted to the fascist way of thinking...
*Click Here to Watch A Film Clip of His 1903 Flight* Isador Straus (New York Times, 1912)The attached obituary of Isador Straus (born 1845) as it appeared in THE NEW YORK TIMES the day after the news of his death was made known. At the time he had secured passage on board Titanic, Straus was co-owner of the Macy's department store with his brother Nathan. A trusted advisor to U.S. President Grover Cleveland, he was elected to represent the New Yorkers of the fifty-third district and served in that post between 1894 and 1895. He died in the company of his wife Ida; unlike Straus, her body was never recovered.
Titanic Didn't Have to Sink (The North American Review, 1912)As an architect of U.S. Navy battleships and a popular New York politician,
Lewis Nixon (1861 - 1940), maintained throughout this article that the full array of 1912 technology was ignored in the planning of Titanic's first (and only) voyage: "We have in our battle-ships devices to show when water enters compartments, and by simple and economical devices it would be possible to have the depth to which water has risen indicated on the bridge, and on merchantmen as well as on our men-of-war searchlights should be carried." The Career of General George Gordon Meade (Literary Digest, 1912)A brief article on the military career of Civil War General George Gordon Meade (1815 - 1872) with particular attention paid to his leadership during the Battle of Gettysburg. "Meade will not be ranked by the historians with the great commanders, but his career is that of a well-trained, capable, and patriotic soldier, and he must always be remembered in the history of the war and of the country as the General who, for the longest period in its history, held the command of the Army of the Potomac, and to whom came the well-deserved good fortune of winning with this army the decisive battle of the war." Mexican Hatred of the United States (Literary Digest, 1912)This article was penned in 1912 by a Mexican editorial writer who shared his countryman's deep distrust of American motives and believed that the United States is the "natural enemy" of Mexico:
"No other people can have less friendship for this hostile neighbor than the Mexicans." The Trail of Tears (The North American Review, 1912)Twenty five years after the long march that has come to be known as the 'Trail of Tears', an account of that sad injustice was written by one of the first archeologists of the American south-west, O.K. Davis. "The troops and Indians marched side by side for two days for Fort Bowie. Then, Geronimo, Natchez, and about twenty men...escaped..." The second half of the article is available upon request. Winston Churchill: Up-and-Comer (Saturday Evening Post, 1912)"He is only thirty-eight now and he is a member of the English Ministry... he has been a wonder of the Empire since he was twenty-five. The only American he can be compared to is [Teddy] Roosevelt; and that comparison is not especially apt, because Churchill writes far better than Roosevelt does, talks far better, and at thirty-eight has gone farther than Roosevelt had when he reached that age... Churchill will undoubtedly be a prime minister of England one of these days." |