Anticipating the Distasteful Ending (The Masses, 1914)Although not known as a clairvoyant, this 1914 cartoon by the New York artist John Sloan (1871 - 1951) seemed to predict the lousy ending that would play out four years after W.W. I reached its bloody climax. John Sloan Ridiculed Cubism (The Masses, 1913)Although realist painter John Sloan (1871 – 1951) was one of the fortunate American painters to also be included in the 1913 Armory Show (he was also on the organizing committee), it did not mean that he was above ridiculing the European modernists who were enjoying the same prestige that he was.
To read an anti-Picasso review from that same period, click here.
An Anti-Interventionist Cartoon (The Masses, 1917)The socialist New York magazine The Masses maintained that the 1914 - 1918 war in Europe was not a concern for Americans and this is a great cartoon by the cartoonist Cornelia Barns (1888 - 1941) to illustrate the point; Barns was also one of the magazine's editors. |