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Women's Fashion Film Clips

Antoine de Paris

Here is a four minute film clip depicting the Openhair festival in Sieradz (Poland) - which pays homage each year to its most illustrious son, Antoni Cierplikowski -- better known as Monsieur Antoine de Paris. The father of modern hairdressing was a Pole, not French, and born there in 1884.

Absolutely Amazing Fashion from Japan

Fashion News... from 1927

A fashion newsreel featuring color footage of the hats and dresses of 1927 with Raquel Torres, Edna Murphy, Corliss Palmer, Laura La Plante, Ruth Elder, Jeanette Loff, Barbara Bedford.

Color Fashion Show From 1929

A Fashion Show Sequence from 1929 with Rosetta and Vivien Duncan and Lawrence Gray.

Eatons Catalogues 1920's Fashion : Hats

A selection of hats taken from an Eatons catalogue of 1920. Several eatons catalogues from the early twentieth century full of fashion, toys, household items and more.

Eatons Catalogues 1920's Fashion : Hats

A selection of hats taken from an Eatons catalogue of 1920. Several eatons catalogues from the early twentieth century full of fashion, toys, household items and more

1917 Fashions Captured on Film

Not exactly a "fashion video" as we have come to know them, but this is interesting silent film footage from 1917 depicting the fashions of that year -featuring fashion models who clearly have not skipped a meal.

Are You Popular? (1947)

A wholesome, instructional film produced in order that wholesome teenagers learn how (and how not) to be popular with the gang. Enjoy the neat, wholesome 1947 clothing.

60's Fashion from Carnaby Street!

Get groovy and take a look at the trendy fashion shops in London's King's Road as shown in the "Look at Life" series for cinema audiences. This is really swinging!!!

Mariano Fortuny

Presentation by founding Otis Fashion Chair Rosemary Brantley on the fashions of Mariano Fortuny. Includes his personal history and showing of many of his fashions beautifully displayed for students to study.

The Retro Inspirations of Dita Von Teese

Burlesque enthusiast Dita Von Teese can be seen here on a British talk-show speaking about style, fabrics, old movies and what inspires her most. At the time she was modeling makeup for the MAC Cosmetics' Viva Glam ad campaign. Admirably, 100 percent of the sales of Viva Glam lipsticks and lip glosses are donated to HIV and AIDS programs. She came to London in June and spoke to GlamourTV about never going in the sun, and what true glamour really is. We thought she was lovely.

The Impossible Glamor of Paris!

1920s film footage illustrating the excitement of Paris (especially when America was dry).

French Fashion: 1900 - 1967

The evolution of women's fashion through the years spanning 1900 to the mid 1960s is presented in a light-hearted and colorful manner as three lovely models stand side by side and try on the fashions from each decade.

Where Were the Fashion Police in the 1970s?

There were two books that left a black mark on the Twentieth Century: the first one was "Mein Kampf" and the second one was the Montgomery Wards Spring Catalog from 1976.

This clip displays an endless stream of humiliating fashion from the 1970s, all set to the tune,"Get Up and Boogie".

1970s Fashion Disasters

With the possible exception of Jackie Onasis, no one emerged unscathed from the fashion horrors we were all forced to wear during the 1970s. This clip looks at the fashion victims of 1970s American television.

British Vogue's 90th Birthday

An interesting walk through fashion history with the Art Director of British Vogue, Robin Derrick, as he leads the camera from one Vogue cover to the next beginning with the first one in 1916.

Diana Vreeland on the Demi-Mondaine

Diana Vreeland talks about the demi-mondaine of the 19th century. Filmed in New York, 1983.

Diana Vreeland on 18th Century Fashion

Marisa Berenson interviewed Diana Vreeland concerning 18th century court fashion. Filmed in New York, 1982.

Fashions in corsets and lingerie, year by year: 1900 - 1950

A slide show featuring advertisements and mail order catalog illustrations, with some magazine feature and manufacturer's material. Also shown are a few stocking ads that should amuse. The absence of the garter (in widespread use until 1930) from this material, seems odd - presumably they were covered by the lengthy bloomers. Also, in order the better to display their wares, manufacturers' photos for ads etc always show models wearing their underwear beneath, say, a hip girdle although from the early to mid 30s (and from the late 20s, in the case of the suspender belt) when corsetry could be worn next to the skin, it would be worn over it, in real life.

1940s Women's Fashions in Color

Before there was Lucy and Ethel, there was Jane and Carol; follow their adventures in this campy and slightly painful early infomercial sponsored by Bemberg House of Rayon.

Failed Predictions

Amusing predictions by American fashion designers from the 1930s concerning what the well-dressed man and woman would be wearing in the year 2000 (although they did figure out that we would all be sporting telephones).

Women's Fashion in the 1930s

A nice survey of 1930's ladies fashion set to nice period music.
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