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Search Results for "Review of Review"

Theodore Roosevelt on the Subject of Disarmament Treaties
(Review of Reviews, 1910)

Before there were diplomatic treaties between super powers on thermo-nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, there was the age of the Dreadnought: how many battleships should a country have? This article concerns the views of a Norwegian statesman named Erik Vullum (1850 – 1916) and his admiration for former U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt and his understanding of armament arbitration agreements between the major European powers prior to the First World War.


Rumors of War (Review of Reviews, 1910)

This article refers to a "temperate" review of Anglo-German relations as understood by Dr. Theodore Schiemann (1847 - 1921), confidant of Kaiser Wilhelm II and professor at the University of Berlin. Interestingly, the professor predicted some aspects of the forth-coming war correctly but, by enlarge, he believed Germany would be victorious:

"A German-English war would be a calamity for the whole world, England included; for it may be regarded as a foregone conclusion that simultaneously with such an event every element in Asia and Africa that is hostile to the English would rise up as unbidden allies of Germany".


The U.S. Army: Plagued by Deserters (Review of Reviews, 1910)

As a wise, old sage once remarked: "You don't go to war with the army that you want, you go to war with the army that you have" -no truer words were ever spoken; which brings us to this news piece from a popular American magazine published in 1910. The reader will be interested to know that just seven years prior to the American entry into World War One, the U.S. Army was lousy with deserters and it was a problem they were ill equipped to handle.

Click here to read some statistical data about the American Doughboys of the First World War.


One Woman's Disenchantment with Feminism (Review of Reviews, 1910)

The attached eleven paragraph magazine article clearly illustrated what the writer found so objectionable about the 1910 suffrage movement.


The Lynching Evil as Understood by Robert Moton (Review of Reviews, 1919)

A digest concerning the thoughts of Tuskegee Institutes's Robert R. Moton (1867 - 1940) and his reflections on the 1919 lynchings. Principal Moton pointed out that lynching served as the primary cause for the northerly migration of the African-Americans and was creating a labor shortage that would in no way benefit the economies of the Southern states. He stated that more and more Whites were recognizing the injustice of the crime and taking measures to actively oppose it. Seven influential Southern newspapers were named that had recently condemned lynching.


Admiral Peary on Icebergs and the Titanic Catastrophe (Review of Reviews, 1912)

The arctic explorer Admiral Robert Peary (1856 – 1920) was no stranger to icebergs. In this short essay he reminisces about spotting icebergs, the most dangerous types of icebergs, the times when an iceberg can prove helpful to a skipper and the remedies for the future.


The Policies of King Edward VII (Review of Reviews, 1910)

This is a brief English translation of an article that appeared in "Deutsch Review" by Lord Esher entitled, "King Edward VII and Germany". Published during the last year of Edward's reign, it is plea to prolong that long "Indian summer" before the war and a declaration of his affection for Germany, the German people and his lasting support for all disarmament treaties.


American Womanhood Slandered (Review of Reviews, 1910)

Attached is a 1910 article that rambles on for two columns and offers the reader nothing but nasty, vile insulting remarks regarding the character and appearance of American women. The article lays bare the low opinions conceived by an assortment of well-traveled, high-born, hot-headed-Hindus from way-down-East-India-way. AND the abuse of American women and their free press wasn't enough for them; they had to drag American men into their tirade as well:

"The women of your big, vast, young country, I confess, disappoint me...they are less chic, they are tactless, they are ignorant...I understand that some American women make the proposal of marriage. That I do not doubt after watching them make themselves 'agreeable' to a man at dinner. I am not surprised that American men do not make love well. The women save them the trouble."


Russian Composers Preferred by Rimsky-Korsakov (Review of Reviews, 1912)

For those of you looking for some dish in the music history department, this article recounts a conversation between Rimsky-Korsakov (1844 – 1908) and Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) as to which Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov preferred the best: Anton Rubinstein or Peter Tschaikovsky. Opinions flew in all directions and many more names were dropped before the conversation came to a close...


The Yellow Peril in Vancouver (Review of Reviews, 1910)

The Canadians of British Columbia were just as uncomfortable with Asian immigration as their American neighbors on the west coast. This article discusses the Canadian Prime Minister, at the time, Sir Wilfred Laurier, and what he planned to do about "Asiatic immigration", such as placing a "head tax" on each Asian who migrated. The growth of the Indian Hindu population along the Canadian West Coast is also mentioned


What Hindu Women Think of American Suffrage (Review of Reviews, 1910)

Attached are the opinions of two well-born Hindu women of leisure who chortled openly at the pity poured forth by the Western suffragettes for the women of the East. The Easterners countered that American women are an eternally unhappy lot and likely to always be so.


The Death of Edward VII & the Accession George V (Review of Reviews, 1910)

This 1910 article from THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS discusses the "probable effect (that) the change of sovereigns will have upon the present so-called constitutional crises [in Britain]." The writer also concentrates on the subject of Edward VII as diplomat, his thoughts concerning Germany and Austria, his general popularity and his unique relationship with the French. The character of the incoming George V is examined as it relates to the constitutional controversy of 1910.


The Death of Edward VII and the Accession George V (Review of Reviews, 1910)

This two and a quarter page article discusses the "probable effect [that] the change of sovereigns will have upon the present so-called constitutional crises." The writer also concentrates on the subject of Edward VII as diplomat, his thoughts on the entente, his popularity and his unique relationship with the French. The character of the incoming George V is examined as it relates to the constitutional controversy of 1910.


The United States and Spanish Speaking Unity (Review of Reviews, 1910)

Pio Ballesteros, Proud Spaniard, wrote this editorial in a 1910 issue of Espanρa Moderna in which he lamented the long-favored practice of viewing the United States as the "elder sister of the Latin-American republics" and ignoring a strong sensation that all Spanish-speaking people are kin and should be united against the Anglo-Saxons.


A Dramatic Growth in the Number of Cars (Review of Reviews, 1910)

An informative look at the rising number of cars and the decreasing number of horses that were put to use in Britain, France and the United States.

"In the American confederation it is estimated that there are more than 130,000 automobiles, besides some 35,000 motor trucks, delivery wagons, etc., and 150,000 motor cycles and tricycles. Eight years ago the number of automobiles in the United States did not exceed 6,000."


President Wilson's War Cabinet Convenes (Review of Reviews, 1922)

Franklin Knight Lane (1864 – 1921) recalled his service as President Wilson's Secretary of the Interior and the eventful year of 1917 when Wilson lead the U.S. into it's first European war. Some may be amused as he reminiscences about the time Army Chief of Staff General Tasker H. Bliss (1853 - 1930) fell asleep during one of the cabinet meetings.


German Admiral Von Tirpitz Condemned (Review of Reviews, 1919)

One year after the First World War reached it's bloody conclusion, Admiral German Grand Admiral Alfred Von Tirpitz (1849 - 1930) was in a frenzy writing his wartime memoir in order that it arrive at the printing presses before his critics could do the same. One of his most devoted detractor was a naval advocate named Captain Persius who had been riding Tirpitz as early as 1914 for failing to fully grasp the benefits of the U-boat. In 1919 Captain Persius took it upon himself to widely distribute a pamphlet titled, "How Tirpitz Ruined the German Fleet", which was reviewed in this article.

"Tirpitz never realized the power of the submarine... Tirpitz was building Dreadnoughts when he should have been concentrating on submarines, and what is worse was building them with less displacement than the British, less strongly armed and of lower speed."

In 1920 the representatives from the victorious nations who convened at Versailles demanded that Kaiser Wilhelm, Admiral Tirpitz and an assortment of other big shots be handed over for trial - click here to read about it.

Read Another Article About Tirpitz...


King Edward VII and Germany (Review of Reviews, 1910)

An article that appeared in DEUTSCH REVIEW in 1910 by Lord Esher (1852 – 1930) entitled, "King Edward VII and Germany". Published in the last year of Edward's reign, it is plea to prolong that "Indian summer" before the First World War and a declaration of his affection for Germany and the German people as well as his deep support for all disarmament treaties.


1910 and The Growing Popularity of the ''Flickers'' (Review of Reviews, 1910)

An informative and well-illustrated column that makes reference to various "copy cat" crimes that were first seen on movie screens as early as 1908 and duplicated in the real world. The reader will come away with a clear understanding as to just how popular the medium was in the United States and throughout the globe.


The Prince of Wales Visits America (Review of Reviews, 1919)

A five page magazine article which saluted the heir of Britain's King George V, Edward VIII (1894 – 1972: following his 1936 abdication he was granted the title Duke of Windsor). The article was written by the venerable journalist and U.S. Civil War veteran, George Haven Putnam (1844 – 1930) in order to mark the first visit made to the United States by that crowned head.


The Anglo-Saxon North and the Latin - American South in 1910 (Review of Reviews, 1910)

"The United States has always viewed the other American countries...with an invincible disdain - a disdain that could not remain a secret to the Young Latins, since it cannot be readily concealed; or, to speak more exactly it has never regarded the nations of Spanish and Portuguese origin as really it's equal."


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