Penned some twenty years after the event, the attached column recalls that period when the Lindberghs returned to America after living in Europe for three years. While abroad, Americans were deeply disturbed to read in the press that he chose to keep company with the Fascists of Germany and Italy; after a while American editors found his behavior so unimpressive they chose not to write about him any longer.
Upon his 1939 return, when the the Second World War broke out in Europe, "the Lone Eagle" saw fit to join America First, which was an isolationist movement famous for attracting a creepy group of people who had Nazi sympathies. It was at these functions where he began to make the most dreadful comments in his speeches:
• "Racial strength is vital; politics a luxury"
• "It would not be best to see Germany defeated"
• "Before this war is over England herself may turn against us"
America First was dissolved from within when the U.S. entered the war.
During its heyday the organization was aligned with the German-American Bund and numerous other anti-democratic hate groups - click here to read about it...
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