As the new decade dawned in a more affluent America, the college-bound youths of this bountiful land found themselves tossing their old high-school saddle shoes
over their collective shoulders onto the ash-heap of fashion history and reaching for a new favorite: white bucks
White bucks were worn by both men and women, and in the fullness of time, they would become one of the many fashion symbols to represent both the opulence and the corniness of the 1950s. The attached article makes it clear that those forward-thinkers at East coast colleges preferred "dirty bucks" (and one manufacturer sold them that way) while those residing on the West, and in fly-over country, wore them as clean as they could possibly keep them. The article goes into some detail as to how the co-eds liked to accessorize them, but says nothing about what the men-folk wore. Eyewitnesses from the era reported that Yalees were partial to wearing gray flannel slacks or gray flannel Bermuda shorts while tramping around in their bucks.
Reference is also made to the rounded-button-collar dress shirts that were appearing on the backs of so many college men at that time.
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