On the right is one of the reviews of Pattern of Conquest
(1941), a book by Joseph C. Harsch (1905 – 1998) - a correspondent for the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR who had been posted to Germany during the earliest years of the war:
"Like William L. Shirer, Harsch declares that the German people are solidly behind their Führer in this war, though not because they like him or his Nazis. They don't says Harsch; it was difficult for him to find a single sincere Nazi in Berlin, even among the government officials and party functionaries he dealt with. But the people know they either win with Hitler or suffer national bankruptcy and frightful reprisals if he fails."
More on "Healthy Eroticism" can be read here...
Click here to read about the bombing of Japan.
Click here to read about the 1943 bombing campaign against Germany.