About 16 months after the U.S. Congress instituted the Selective Training and Service Act, the editors at NEWSWEEK saw fit to explain to it's younger readers what to expect during the earliest days of their induction:
"THE FIRST DAY: All tents warm and cozy, guards already having fired coal-burning stoves. Filed into mess hall, washed mess kits, had first Army 'chow' - beef hash, stewed tomatoes, scalloped potatoes, string beans, bread and butter, apple cake, applesauce and coffee. Rewashed kits. Received 'barrack bags' containing four blankets, three towels, canteen, toilet set, first-aid pouch, comforter. Returned to tents. Learned bedmaking. 'Taps'(most already asleep) at 11."
Click here to read about what was involved in training a WAAC.