It seems difficult to imagine, but this opinion writer felt America leaning toward socialism as far back as 1949. He is sympathetic to their feelings, but cautions his readers that Marxism looks alluring on the printed page - but it will simply lead to serfdom in the end:
"It is a startling fact that our government right now owns 24 percent of all land in this country [as of 2021, the figure is 28 percent], That is equal to the area of 17 Western states. And, remember, the Government charges no taxes against itself. Each time the Government enters another field it removes from the sources of taxable income some more potential taxes, putting a heavier burden on the rest of the people. In other words, the bigger and more powerful the Federal Government becomes in fields formerly handled privately, the fewer people are left to carry the burden of financing our government.
"So taxes go up and up as the Government acquires more and more control."
In 1945 the Truman administration offered a form of socialized medicine - Click here to read about it.
President Truman also fiddled around with the possibility of free college - this article can be read here
This 1946 article argued that Socialism is simply un-American...
- two from Amazon: