"Another Now It Can Be Told story - one of the best kept secrets of the Pacific war - came out last month when it was revealed that a U.S. naval group had been operating with Chinese guerillas behind the Jap lines in China. Their combined efforts, the Navy disclosed, had been a vital factor in the smashing blows of the Pacific Fleet against Jap-held islands, the Jap Navy and, finally Japan itself."
"In the early days of the war Chinese guerillas were losing in combat approximately three men for every Jap they killed. But SACO-trained guerillas promptly increased the toll of Jap losses, and in 1945 had reversed the ratio. This year they killed more than 2,000 Japs a month at a cost of less than one Chinese for three Japs... Chinese and Americans working together, helped turn the Jap dream of empire into a grim No-Prosperity-Sphere which was to be the final resting place for countless thousands of Japan's army, navy and merchant marine."
A similar article can be read here.