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This is a 1939 article about the Adolph Hitler Schools; a (thankfully) short-lived institution that was created to ill-educate the chosen of Hitler's Germany in order to create a ruling elite.

"Their education, in the proper sense of the word, lays emphasis above all on biology, and naturally, on the racial question - on the philosophy of the National Socialist State, on the Common Law, and on the history of Germany and of the Nazi Movement. Foreign languages, literature, and philosophy finds no place." "Today shadows have fallen upon the once-proud German universities. The professors have been forced out of the temples of learning or driven into exile or subjected to a subtle pressure which has changed their academic detachment into clumsy conformity with Hitler's ideals."

Click here to read more articles about the Nazi policy schools.

Click here to read Hitler's plan for German youth."

More on this same topic can be read here.

Click here to read an article about the captured members of the Hitlerjugend...

CLICK HERE to read about the beautiful "Blonde Battalions" who spied for the Nazis...

An eyewitness recalled Hitler as a boy...


The Adolf Hitler Schools (Current History  Magazine, 1939)

The Adolf Hitler Schools (Current History  Magazine, 1939)

The Adolf Hitler Schools (Current History  Magazine, 1939)

The Adolf Hitler Schools (Current History  Magazine, 1939)

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