We don't know if California lawyers had the "Restraining Order" as one of the items in their arsenal back in 1916; but if they had, Mary Pickford might have chosen to deploy just such a measure in order to separate herself from this obsessed fan who wrote the following essay for the readers of MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE:
"She is adorably feminine, from her curls to her toes. In Tess
, Caprice, the forlorn waif of the desert island in "Hearts Adrift", she is feminine in everything she does. She can storm, but she storms like a warm-hearted, human woman, not a virago; she can coquette
, but it is never the cold blooded type of flirting; Mary Pickford couldn't be cold blooded if she tried. Men of all ages, women of all types, children of both sexes respond to this wonderful little girl in a manner no other star is able to arouse. They are all good and have done some wonderful work, but Mary is child, sweetheart and friend of the whole world, and no one can ever take her place in our hearts."
Click here to read more articles about Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks.
Click here to read a 1923 comparison between Norma Talmadge and Mary Pickford.