Attached is a 1915 magazine article on anti-Semitism
as it existed in Germany during World War I.
"In the calamity of war we act now as if we were one heart and one soul with the Jews. However, and I am pained to say it, I must declare that the Jewish question remains and will perhaps, just because of the war, become still more acute. The Jews are a foreign people and are our opponents in France, Russia and England, together with the enormous means at their disposal."
"Indeed, it is not a new story. Modern Anti-Semitism was born in Prussia. When the present German mood was being formed, Nietzsche said:
"History is actually written on Imperial German and Anti-Semetic lines, and Herr von Treitschke is not ashamed of himself."
Read about the Germans who cried out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
Click here to read an article about the Warsaw Ghetto.
Click here to read about the inmate rebellions that took place at Auschwitz, Sobibor and Triblinka.