Attached are a few plump phrases from United States Senator Barry Goldwater (1909 - 1998) that cogently explain why President Johnson was not having his way in Vietnam. Many of his observations were adhered to by President Nixon in the years to come.
"...We're not making military judgments based upon military needs and military strategy. We're making judgments based upon domestic political needs... Lyndon Johnson is trying to keep both sides of the fence happy. And he's trying to satisfy those people in his own party and in the Republican Party who are supporting him - but who say we ought to do a little bit more. He's bombing - but he's not bombing. In other words, he's riding down the middle because of the domestic political situation...We're not exerting our full air power against the enemy, and I don't think that is playing fair with the men who are being drafted and the men who are being sent over to Vietnam."
A similar article can be read here...
You can read more about Senator Barry Goldwater here...
Read about another Cold Warrior: James Burnham...
- from Amazon:
The Conscience of a Conservative
by Barry Goldwater