This article was written by John Nance Garner (1868 - 1967), FDR's first Vice-President (1933 - 1941), who wrote a number of pieces for the readers of COLLIER'S MAGAZINE in 1948 outlining the various reasons for their contentious relationship.
"Cactus Jack" Garner bickered with F.D.R. on a number of issues; primarily supporting a balanced federal budget and opposing F.D.R.'s efforts to pack the Supreme Court. Within these attached pages, Garner tells how Roosevelt lost the support of his Democratic Congress.
This five page article is a segment of a longer one that laid out the cause for one of their most bitter arguments: the Flint Sit-Down Strike (1936 - 1937).
Read a 1933 article about FDR and the disaster that he tried to fix...
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