Posted above are the results of PATHFINDER MAGAZINE's 1940 opinion poll concerning FDR's controversial run for a third presidential term. The purpose of this poll was not to confirm the elect-ability of President Roosevelt but to learn whether or not voters believed future presidents should be able to have third terms.
Although no mention was made as to how the poll was conducted in order to assure some degree of accuracy, the results indicated that 68.6% of poll's participants were against a third presidential term.
When this survey was undertaken FDR had been in power for eight years, the unemployment rate was at 14.6% and Roosevelt's popularity had dropped since the 1936 election. Non-the-less, FDR went on to win nine months later by a comfortable margin (449 electoral votes).
You can read an article about a far more accurate poll regarding the 1940 election by clicking here...
Click here to read about President Harry Truman...
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