When Americans on the home front wanted to know what sort of life their sons, brothers, husbands, uncles or fathers were experiencing on the European battle fronts during W.W. II they would read the columns of Ernie Pyle (1900 - 1945). He was the most loved of all the war correspondents at the time because his sympathies for the exhausted soldiers was so evident.
This brief notice on the right reviews the movie that appeared at the end of the war concerning his experiences in Tunisia and Italy: The Story of G.I. Joe
. It is a film known to have brought veterans to tears and it was much admired by General Eisenhower, their supreme commander. In the movie, soldiers are depicted as hungry and tired and wishing they could be elsewhere, but knowing they had a job to do; this was a very different sort of war film for that time.
One of Pyle's most memorable lines read:
"And for those beneath the wooden crosses there is nothing we can do except perhaps to pause and murmur, thanks pal, thanks."
More on Ernie Pyle can be read here...
More about W.W. II Hollywood can be read here.