Dale Carnegie (1888 - 1955) was a publishing marvel whose book How To Win Friends and Influence People has sold over fifty million copies since it's first appearance in 1937.
Similar to his contemporary Napoleon Hill
(1883 - 1970), Carnegie was one the preeminent self-help authors of the last century who recognized that success can be found within all of us if we simply know how to harness those elements properly. He had a strong belief that the powers of self-determination can be mastered in one's ability to communicate clearly, and his followers are legion.
This interview coincided with the printing of the guru's second book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948), and explains the author's philosophy -
"... be a good listener, talk in terms of the other man's interests, and make the other person feel important."
Carnegie held that confident and able speakers are good at almost anything they attempt to master - but Mrs. Carnegie noted that from time to time, her husband can be found in a mood "that is calculated only to alienate friends and minimize influence."
From Amazon: How To Win Friends and Influence People
and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
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