Henry Wallace (1888 – 1965) was FDR's second Vice President (1941 - 1945) and as a seasoned Washington politician he must have known that his political career was coming to an end when the attached editorial hit the newsstands in early October of 1948. Written by William L. Chenery, publisher of Collier's Magazine, one of the most staid, middle class news and fiction organs around - it was not the sort of organization that looked upon libel lightly; Chenery meant what he wrote when he slandered the former vice president as "the spokesman of Russia". Wallace's far left sympathies were made evident to all in his book New Frontiers
(1934); here is a quote from the Italian language edition that was written by Mussolini:
"[The book] is both a declaration of faith and an indictment of economic liberalism... Wallace's answer to the question of what America wants is as follows: anything but a return to the free-market, ie., anarchistic economy. Where is America headed? This book leaves no doubt that it is on the road to corporatism, the economic system of the current century."
- from Amazon: