William Jennings Bryan (1860 – 1925) is best remembered today as the Christian who advocated for creationism in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925. In this 1923 essay he picks away at Darwin's evolution theory using many of the arguments that he would (victoriously) deploy two years later.
"Even in Christian colleges the student is asked to substitute evolution for the Bible record of creation although not one species has been traced to another species. The 'missing links' between a million species - Darwin estimated the number at from two to three million - are yet to be found; not one has been produced. And yet it is a common thing for evolutionist to declare evolution is as firmly established as the law of gravitation."
Click here to read about Darwin in the schools.
The advancement of atheism in the American public school system began in 1945; Click here to read about it.
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