"One of the most familiar human sounds in any Central Pacific operation is a rasping, oath-throwing voice with a rich Scandinavian accent which booms out over the loudspeaker on the invasion beaches. The voice threatens, gives orders with no reservations, pleads and intimidates. It is the voice of a Navy captain, Carl E. (Squeaky) Anderson, the force, or senior, beachmaster - the man who unloads the ships and keeps the supplies (all 64,000 tons) rolling in."
"Iwo Jima, he says, is the worst beach he's ever had anything to do with. He had to do with nine of them, to be exact, in the Aleutians, Gilberts, Marshalls and Marianas."
Click here to read more articles about the Iwo Jima battle.
Click here to read about the D-Day Beachmasters...