When the attached article first appeared in print the Boy Scouts of America, as an institution, was barely thirty-five years old:
"The truth is that never in the history of mankind has a simple idea - an idea, incidentally, born in South Africa - so seized the imagination of boys the world over as has Scouting... But nowhere in the world has the Scouting idea been so thoroughly developed as in the U.S. There are Cub Scouts for boys 9, 10 and 11; Boy Scouts for those 12 and over; Senior Scouts for those 15 and over. Senior Scouting includes Sea Scouts, Air Scouts and Explorer Scouts... The Scouts are proud of their Federal Charter from Congress in 1916, and even prouder of the fact that the President of the United States is always the Honorary President of the Boy Scouts. All presidents have taken an active interest in Scout work."
Admiral Chester Nimitz once remarked:
"The fact is that over a million - or about 40% of the men I commanded in the Pacific had been Boy Scouts. But that 40% had won 60% of the decorations awarded for valor!"
-from Amazon:

Both Boy Scots and Girl Scouts were active in the Japanese-American internment camps during W.W. II. Click here to read about that subject...