KEN MAGAZINEwas one of the more interesting news glossies that tried to compete with LIFE MAGAZINE during the Thirties -and one of the editorial policies it took seriously was reminding the American reading public of the dangers brewing on the not too far-off European continent as the Fascists in Italy, Spain and Germany seized power and threatened their neighbors as well as their own citizens. This article concerning Benito Mussolini and his security goon-squad was just one example of these articles that appeared a few months before the Great Depression got the better of them and drove the magazine under:
"One thousand men are charged with the personal responsibility of seeing that Il Duce doesn't meet with an untimely death. Their frenzied precautions make him the best protected of all contemporary dictators - a protection which is sorely needed. Sixteen years after the victorious March on Rome a special tribunal dealing with the 'enemies of fascism' is still working along at exceptionally high pressure."
More on Fascist Italy can be read HERE...
Click here to read about Mussolini's departure from the League of Nations.