"At least eight German armored and infantry divisions - never less than three at a time - tried to take Bastogne from the Americans. Outnumbered some four to one, so short of gasoline they didn't start their tank-destroyers until the German Panthers and Tigers were close in, the Yanks turned back repeated day and night assaults. They ran low on ammunition and rationed it, while the Nazis whipped in artillery and mortar projectiles by the hundreds. The town was pocked with shell holes and strewn with rubble. Fires blazed and smoldered in the rain and snow... But the Americans paid heavily for their victory. The casualties ran nearly 10 percent and they lost much equipment. Nevertheless, the Screaming Eagle Division was all for pursuing the Germans. Justly proud of the magnificent showing of his soldiers, a colonel said: 'These men of ours sure are going to be insufferable from now on.'"
Click here to read more about the Battle of the Bulge.
Click here to read more about the American paratroopers of W.W. II...
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