Attached is a 1922 article from CURRENT OPINION MAGAZINE regarding the dust-up in the Arab world that has been slowly brewing for some time:
"I predict increasing ferment and unrest throughout all Islam; a continued awakening to self-consciousness; an increasing dislike for Western domination."
So wrote Lothrop Stoddard (1883 - 1950), an author who was every inch a man of his time and tended to gaze outside the borders of Western Civilization with much the same vision as his contemporary Rudyard Kipling, seeing the majority of the world's inhabitants as "the white man's burden". Yet, for all his concern on the matter of Anglo-Saxon hegemony, he seemed to recognize the growing discontent in Islam, even if he was some sixty years early. He understood the significance of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab and unlike most ink-slingers of his day, he understood that the First Word War was the primary turning point in modern history.
An article about the Muslim opinion concerning colonialism can be read here...