Bernarr Macfadden (1868 – 1955), the author of this column, is still very much with us today - in the form of weird, creepy images like the one above that appear when you type into the search engine, old-time body builders. Mcfadden made his way in the world publishing health and fitness magazines and publishing dozens of books on the same topic. After retiring from that world, he took his millions and bought Liberty Magazine - a popular middle-class periodical with a healthy subscriber base. It was there, as editor-in-chief, that the American Left began to see him as a serious threat. Macfadden was a conservative, who recognized that FDR's New Deal was prolonging the Great Depression, not ending it. Each week his columns would hammer home this line of thinking until the editors at New Masses decided they could take it no more, and they wrote a column of their own on Mcfadden, which is posted on the right (it should be noted that Macfadden did not do himself any favors by supporting Fascism).
Macfadden's conservative musings can be read here, here, and here.